Name: carla
Nickname: cali, cali-chan, carlis... everybody calls me something different O_o
Age: 20
Likes: food, chemistry, fantasy/sci-fi, anime/manga, movies, astronomy, coca-cola bears, sarcasm, philosophy, pop/rock/punk/any-combination-of-those, and errrr... boy, this question is just too broad!
Dislikes: ants. writer's block. hypocrites. being hungry. musicals. war. people whose first language is english and yet have worse grammar than i do. people who talk to you once and suddenly think they're your BFFs (and will therefore stick to you until you are forced to be rude to them).
Hobbies: writing, reading, webdesign, icon-making.
Talents: errrr... people tell me i act like i'm drunk even if i'm sober. is that a talent? oh, i read really fast, too! and i'm great with stereochemistry. uh... yeah! *shrugs*
Goals: finish my career, work at NASA, be a published/somewhat famous author, perhaps win one or two nobel prizes... ^____________________^
What do you feel is your best quality? Why?: well, mainly that i'm a happy person ^^ it makes other people happy, as well.
Your worst? Why?: i tend to speak without thinking, and i'm pretty sarcastic so it hurts other people.
What's your favorite quote? Why?: "there's nothing better than a friend, except a friend with chocolate." ~mark twain ^-^ i love it because it is oh so true ^___________^
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Why?: probably learn to think before i speak, it hurts people sometimes.
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? Why?: intolerance. people should learn to respect each other, including others' thoughts and ideas, in order to achieve peace.
Why do you like the anime/manga s-CRY-ed: i don't know, it's just cool ^^
Who is your favourite character? Why? (You won't be judged on this): probably ryuhou. i can't say why, i usually don't like characters like him, but i guess there had to be an exception. it doesn't help matters that zetsuei is wicked awesome ^.^ oh, and i like kimishima a lot too ^_^
Who is your least favourite character? Why?: hmmmm... well i'd have to agree with the majority and say mimori-- in the anime she was just annoying and i haven't read the manga. i don't much care for kazuma and kanami. not that i hate them, they just don't call out to me in any way.
What's your favourite pairing? Why?: aaahhh, if i really think about it... probably ryuhou/mimori. and before i'm murdered-- if there's one thing i can't deny is that she loved him. and he does care about her, i think, so it's easy to imagine them together. but i could also go with ryuhou/sherrice or even ryuhou/kazuma. who knows. guess i'm not too big on teh romance in s-cry-ed.
What's your least favourite pairing? Why?: anything with cougar on it ^^;;; i just think it'd be pretty ironic that he didn't get together with anyone in the end.
If you got to choose a character in the show to be for 24 hours, who would it be? Why?: ryuhou. as i said, i love zetsuei (gosh, how is that name spelled?), i'd love to use that alter power ^^
How did you find this community?: through one of the affiliates, can't remember which one.
Anything else?: not really...