Name: Lisa
Nickname: angel baby, pooh bear, co, Billie…
Age: 18
Likes: The moon, smart jokes, swords, fantasy, HP, anime, manga, yaoi, cats, vampires, werewolves, forests, the colors green and black
Dislikes: People who always have to have the last word, overly stubborn people, braggarts, showoffs, immaturity, people who show no respect
Hobbies: Being w/ friends, reading, writing, singing, acting out things I’ve written, dancing, violin, listening to all kinds of music
Talents: Writing
Goals: Write a novel and book of poetry, fall in love with someone who can return that love to me…
What do you feel is your best quality? Why?: My selfless nature - I feel it’s pretty rare to come across someone that almost always puts others before themselves.
Your worst? Why?: My poor self image - it keeps me from reaching my true potential.
What's your favorite quote? Why?: I have so many it’s hard to choose. But one I like is “Pain is weakness leaving the body.” I like it because it’s a cool thing to consider.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Why?: I would give myself more self confidence. I think that way I’d be more motivated in life.
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? Why?: I don’t really know…
Why do you like the anime/manga s-CRY-ed: The characters draw me in and make it seem so real. Plus super powers are always cool. Haha...
Who is your favourite character? Why? (You won't be judged on this): I’m going to say Sheris. At first she got on my nerves but then I started to really relate to her near the end. (I’m not trying to push for her, honestly!) But I think what she did was so beautiful…
Who is your least favourite character? Why?: That “hammer” guy? I don’t really know…
What's your favourite pairing? Why?: Ryuho/Sheris simply because it seems so right.
What's your least favourite pairing? Why?: Ryuho/Mimori because it goes against my favourite pairing, of course!
If you got to choose a character in the show to be for 24 hours, who would it be? Why?: Ryuho, so I could have his power and feel that someone loves me with all their heart - all the while looking damn good doing so. Heh…
How did you find this community?: Looked it up.
Anything else?: Just to give you some idea of my personality: I’ve also been rated as Kenshin (RK), Kurama (YYH), Ein (CB), Wolfwood (T), and almost Himiko (GB)