(no subject)

Dec 17, 2005 00:08

Name: Shia
Nickname: Peanut, Mouse, Shi-chan
Age: 15

Likes:  Helping people, sCRYed, RyuMim, Friends
Dislikes: .. Snobs?
Hobbies: Reading, writing, singing, chatting
Talents: Umm.. I'm an A+ student, in honors, I can sing pretty well,
Goals: .. My goal. I just simply want to live my life the way I want it.
What do you feel is your best quality? Why?: .  I think it's my ability to help. Even if I can't find out something I'm good with, I always manage to help somehow. (Kind of like Mimori in the last episode.)
Your worst? Why?:  Sometimes, I get really selfless, butt hen later I plan on regretting it. As in yesterday, I gave a guy my lunch because he left his money at home (I knew him a bit.) , and I ended up starving the rest of the day. I'm a bit naiive too.
What's your favorite quote? Why?: 'Life can be as great as you want it, but you have to make it. ' I think that's exactly right. You must fight for what you want.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Why?:  I would change myself, so I could speak out more. I hold many thoughts inside, but some of them I don't speak outloud.
If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be? Why?: Honestly? I despise war. I hate the fact that people have to go to war, and innocents are killed.

Why do you like the anime/manga s-CRY-ed:  I love the RyuMim interaction! Also, I love the plot. Plus, me wanting to see Mujo die helps a lot.
Who is your favourite character? Why? (You won't be judged on this): .. It's a hard decision, but I think I end up between  Mimori and Kanami. It's because they both seem so innocent, and they try so hard.
Who is your least favourite character? Why?: Mujo- Evil guy with long hair. >> Sorry, it just doesn't work with me.
What's your favourite pairing? Why?: RyuMim definitely. For one, I love Ryuho (all though not as much as Mimiri) and they loved each other when they were younger! Past memories never fade.
What's your least favourite pairing? Why?: SchericeRyuhou. It's not that I hate Scherice, I just don't see the chemistry between them.
If you got to choose a character in the show to be for 24 hours, who would it be? Why?:
.. Err.. Scherice. I love Eternal Devote!
How did you find this community?: I think it's great! I'm glad there's an sCRYed rating community.
Anything else?: .. Not much.
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