Visited my oncologist recently, and he pronounced me still as the post child for recovery. Awesome.
On the other hand, I occasionally mutter under my breath that I must surely be over my interesting medical stuff quota by now. To wit:
There may some drug interaction issues between the post-radiation drug I take so I can pee and the stuff I've been using for ADD. In short, the ADD drug now seems to do nothing at all. So it's back to the Adderall. The good news there is that the prescription process for Adderall is now much simpler. The bad news is that my insurance company has to chew on the new prescription for a while before I actually get it. Fortunately that's a one-time review, so once they're convinced, it's clear sailing.
A couple of months ago my feet began to hurt a lot more. I thought was a sudden turn for the worse in my arthritis but turned out to be plantar fascitis. (After careful research, I've determined that that means that my feet hurt.) The good news is that my particular issues are mostly ameliorated by special shoes. Mind you, they cost four times what my regular shoes run - but that beats the hell out of alternatives like surgery, bone spurs, and long-term debilitating pain.
So on the whole, I can't complain.