QotD: Lj's become so lame it needs a wheelchair.
Kinda have to agree with Juan, lj's lost its novelty and sparkle. :( But :o i've been keeping the photos on my phone for just a time as such :)
One of the nicest walks in Edinburgh, which Helena showed me. Reminds me of "The Hills" behind my old house, where i used to play when i was in primary school. (not that i was ever a child or anything)
Um, my attempt at a slightly arty photo - it's an icteric coloured moth sitting on the blade of a cutting machine.
Bottles of piss, they follow me.
Now, this is a picture of a woman, her daughter and her daughter's friend whom i sat next to on my way down to Oldham. Now, i'm quite nervous as it is, the first time i've met my boyfriend's parents and all of that :s Anyways, this woman, she was a laugh like ... but. Her daughters about 13 years old, mum and her kept on going for a smoke. Ok - that's fair enough. And she was feeding her daughter and her friend a lot of vodka - you're thinking, cool mum. But Then she went mental when he daughter swore. And you're like - what the fuck? What's worse?
This series here was from the most cultured place in Oldham, its art gallery. They had these amazing interactive sculptures, which smelt :S Like cacoons, all warm and womblike. They were cool. i really wanted one as a bedroom. And no, we didn't get frisky in them.
This is Oldham, believe it or not.
You know your man likes you when he pays £100 for a hotel room ;) (shit photo - but it had a chandalier)
Don't ask me why ...
What i had to do for a fucking job all summer. What a pile of shit!
A rather catchy photo of elgor. *dribbles*
Possibly the best buy of the year? Actually - no, they minged.
My dad - and he doesn't look like me. OK! #:| He's lost a lot of weight since then.
My mum - smile bitch!
Mum, dad, aunty uncle and of course hamish.
Our bathroom. Can't wait to move out!
i swear we weren't getting off .... this was some pissed night and maybe one of the most memorable
As i was saying, drunk ...
Xena, goddess of drinking, who lives in matt's flat.
Part of a long series of photos that ruairí had the pleasure of receiving all summer long. The general caption: "what's happened to John's body?"
Vacuum cleaners are fun :S
Blowjob from my daughter anyone?
Yeah, one of those crazy moments ..
Sellotape isn't good as a substitute for plastic surgery
i have a rare ability: i see COCK in everything :D
Indeed, hallowe'en. i'm in a tight, black waistcoat. Topless. These ripped jeans. And a black sparkly cowboy hat with whip :) GAY
Moments later, i pull john onto my lap, and the chair legs snap, and we get chucked out of the Junction.
Christmas - matty's huge box of surprises :D
Christmas morning
Frogs on trains
Who lives in a house like this. Kate!
The snow angel of love
How my man knows me perfectly - romantic!
Hope you enjoyed.
nick x