These are just some ideas I had of things that could have been done to get Connor and Abby home that they didn't do on the show. The first two I actually had some slightly longer ideas that I thought might be amusing, but I didn't exactly know how to create an actual plot, rather than just a lot of rambling on. I'm not calling them proper drabbles because I didn't do any word count, they're just . . . really short. Do with these what you will.
Author: SCWLC
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters (or real people) described herein, and I'm making no money off this.
Summary: Five ways Connor and Abby didn't make it home.
1) Royal Intervention a.k.a. How to get Helen Mirren to Guest Star on Primeval
They clasped hands and ran through the anomaly, finding themselves in a spacious living room with a somewhat familiar couple seated by a fireplace. They didn't have time to celebrate having clearly made it back into the human era and relatively safe, because an ankylosaur came thundering through after them. It wasn't a big one, but it's tail swung dangerously close to the old lady, and Connor was forced to dive at her to yank her out of the way.
They got lucky on driving it back through with a poker and a floor lamp, then turned to see the elderly couple staring at them in disbelief. Connor began to whimper. "Abby," he moaned. "I've just rugby tackled the Queen!"
2) Popular Destination
Running through the anomaly brought them out into a grassland, stretching as far as the eye could see. There was nothing there to tell them what era they could possibly be in. The sight of a bird overhead made them relax a little, as it meant they were at least into a post-dinaosaurian era.
A rumbling in the distance made them both tense warily, braced for anything. They weren't exactly prepared for the sight that met their eyes.
"We're nearly at the most popular local watering hole, and hopefully we'll get to see some of the larger animals there today," came a voice from some sort of loudspeaker on a bus all done up in zebra stripes, with "Serengeti Wildlife Tours" written in bright orange on the side.
3) Unexpected Arrival
An overwhelming sense of heat and damp greeted them, steam everywhere and a lot of white. It took a moment to adjust, then they were greeted by a shriek and Sarah was hugging them both. "You're back! You're alright!" Suddenly she shoved them away with another shriek. "Get out of my bathroom!" she demanded, ducking back behind the shower curtain, leaving Connor and Abby bemused and covered in suds.
4) It's Not a Bad Cop
Chased by raptors, Connor and Abby ran for it, hoping that maybe the anomaly would close behind them. No such luck, but the hotel room bed the raptors landed on caught their feet up, the covers and mattresses wreaking havoc with the claws on their feet. It gave the two humans a fighting chance to trip the dinosaurs with bedding, whack at them with lamps and generally make things so upsetting that the raptors chose to head home.
Turning around, Connor was forced to say, "You have to admit, this is almost sickeningly appropriate."
Sam Neill and Jeff Goldblum stared back at them, with the sci fi con's staff in an aghast clump around them.
5) Nothing Stays the Same
There was a flash as they cleared the anomaly, of scree and rocks, sunlight and scrubby brush, before they were through a second anomaly, popping out into the shade of a forest. In front of them was Stephen, Lester, some SFs they vaguely recognised, Jenny and . . . themselves?
"Where's Cutter?" demanded Jenny. "And . . . Abby? Connor? How . . ." she trailed off, bemused.
"Cutter?" Abby said. "How . . . but . . . Stephen?"
"Jenny," Connor asked, "When are we? I think thing's've got a little confused."
"Why are you calling me Jenny?" she asked. "Connor, I'm Claudia, remember?"
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