Primeval fic: The Incredible Journey

Sep 14, 2012 23:08

Title: The Incredible Journey
Author: SCWLC
Disclaimer: I own nothing herein. I wish I owned Sid and Nancy. I'd hug them and kiss them and squeeze them and call them George. Wait . . . that's rabbits.
Rating: G
Summary: Sid and Nancy want to go home, they don't much like Burton's menagerie.
AN: So, I needed an excuse to show off what I will call my first manipulated pic/icon. Otherwise known as the collision of MS Paint and a picture of Sid in a horrible, horrible car wreck. Please try not to be too mean about it. Even if someone else has already done the icon better.


He didn't like the Giant Stone Box. Neither did she. They couldn't burrow, they couldn't play with anything fun but each other and it was full of weird smells and even weirder animals.

There was the big stampy thing with the long poky bit coming off its head, no telling what that one was. The scaly ones were more normal, but the one on two legs that made all the appalling screechy noises was just offputting. The big lumpy one, well, that one seemed pretty normal for the Big Things, all stampy and cranky and eating everything in sight. So did the one with the poky head thing, but it was just too weird to be normal.

Then there were the strange pale Not-As-Big things. They also only walked on two legs, which was a silly thing to do, really, when you had four perfectly good legs to walk on, as they seemed to.

He and She missed their Not-As-Big Things. There were two. One with funny dark stuff on top, and one with much stiffer really pale stuff. They were a mated pair, like He and She, even if the female hadn't come in season yet, it was clear they'd been nesting for a while. And the male was clearly always doing funny displays to entice the female.

Their Not-As-Big Things had been gone for a long time. Things had already been confused when they'd been taken away from the nice, comfortable, lair the pair had made for them, and for the Green Flying Lizardy Thing. Then they'd been taken away from the temporary lair, and put into the Giant Stone Box.

There were lots and lots of Not-As-Big Things here, but they always had the same colours, which was strange, because their Not-As-Big Things had constantly changed colours. They got plenty of food, but no one brought them fun things to poke or chew, no one gave them exciting challenges to get around to where the Tasty Floppy Things were kept. No changing scenery, nothing making interesting noises and intriguing colours or smells.

Just the stupid Big Things with their weird bits hanging off them.

Sometimes they were visited by the Green Flying Lizardy Thing, who was fun, and would try to do fun things, but they couldn't get to him.

Then one day, suddenly, their female Not-As-Big Thing was back. Smelling a little different, her pale spiky stuff gone longer and bigger and floppier, and a while later, the male came by to see them too, smelling the same sort of different, his head stuff gone all longer and floppier too.

But they didn't take He and She out of the Giant Stone Box.

It was disappointing. More disappointing, was that it seemed that, out of the lair, their Not-As-Big Things were part of a herd of some sort. And the herd's leaders didn't seem to like it much when They tried to make things not as boring for He and She.

It was time, He decided, that He and She should leave. See if they couldn't find the new lair. They rather liked their Not-As-Big Things. Who gave them tasty food and a safe burrow.

It took lots of doing, but they got out of the Not-Stone Twig Place, that kept them in one spot in the Giant Stone Box. Getting atop the Big Thing with the poky thing on its head was a trial, but they did it, and found a small Not-Stone Twig covering on the wall of the Giant Stone Box. He knew those! There'd been one in the Place between the lair and the temporary lair. Soon, they were hurrying through the strange, Not-Dirt-Not-Stone burrow. That was a long trip, but finally they could smell outside air.

Glancing around, they were surprised by a squawk and the discovery that the Green Flying Lizardy Thing had followed them out. Snuffling about, they were surprised to see the Lizardy Thing land on one of the Not-Stone Shiny things. Following it there, they discovered that it smelled like their Not-As-Big things! It beeped and shook, and they all scattered to hide, seeing one of the Not-As-Big Things somehow peel open a bit of it, leaving it wide open. He and She remembered these things. They moved from one place to another. You went in, you were in one place, you jounced about a bit, and you were in another.

He and She looked at each other a moment, then in perfect agreement scrambled inside, under the soft thing that sort of felt a little like the tasty floppy things their Not-As-Big Things were always hiding from them.

The Green Flying Lizardy Thing followed.

Quietly they waited through all the jouncing and rumbling. Finally it stopped and the bits were peeled open again and left that way. Cautiously but quickly, the three of them scarpered. While they were hiding, She picked up the scent. They were close!

Climbing was not easy. He and She were burrowers, not climbers, but the Green Flying Lizardy Thing cheeped encouragingly, and they found their way up and up and up. There was a Not-Stone sort of tree thing on the side of the new place they had the new lair. It was easy enough to chew through the thing on the openings on the wall of their lair, and soon, He and She and the Green Flying Lizardy Thing fell into the new lair, thumping to the floor.

Their Not-As-Big Things came into the room. "Sid! Nancy!" the male made the noises they knew identified them, and they happily raced to him, as he picked them up in his silly forelegs that he didn't walk on like a sensible animal, any more than the rest did. The female was holding the Green Flying Lizardy Thing.

One of the other Not-As-Big Thing herd members was making noises at Their Not-As-Big Things, but He and She wriggled happily as their male Not-As-Big Thing rubbed his forefeet all over their backs in that ever-so-nice touching, then showed a very colourful female Not-As-Big Thing how to do it too.

The herd, it seemed, had an even more alpha, alpha than the one making noises at their Not-As-Big Things, because the One-Whose-Lair-They'd-Stayed-At-For-A-Bit, stopped the unpleasant one who was really really stiff, from making unpleasant noises anymore. Then He recognised the Nearly All Black Not-As-Big Thing, who seemed to be wanting to be mated to the Really Colourful Not-As-Big Thing, who was still patting She.

He rather liked the Nearly All Black Not-As-Big Thing. Really, the Colourful female seemed quite receptive, so He gave them a little push. Literally.

She scolded He rather mercilessly. She could have been squished when the Nearly All Black male had landed on them!

Much later, to He and She's delight, their Not-As-Big things mated. Finally.

He and She happily curled up together in the new burrow in the new lair.

Life was very good.

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