Title: Just a Little Mad
Author: SCWLC
Disclaimer: I don't own Alice 2009 and I don't own Primeval, and if there's anything else anyone recognises, well, I don't own that either.
Rating: PG
Summary: Luckily for Stephen, Connor is more than what he seems.
Notes: Yes, I stole from the Enchanted Forest Chronicles about the back entrance thing. Your point? In other things, we've hit the Alice plotline, already in progress. Pardon my novelisation.
They hurried down the hall and Stephen asked Connor's brother, who looked like a harder and wilder-haired version of Connor, "Do you know where we're going to find her?"
"Based on past experience and the other time I've had to break her out of here, not to mention her general predilections, wherever the most trouble is, that's where we'll find her." The man paused as they came to an exit from the maze of corridors into the main body of the building to see a bunch of the men in suits and one in a silly hat banging on some doors. "And that'll be it," he said, nodding at the crowd shouting about the girl and the casino.
"We'd best head to the back entrance," Connor said, turning away to go back into the halls again.
Stephen glanced at Connor. "You seem to know an awful lot about this place."
"There's always a back entrance in Wonderland," he was informed in a chorus.
He grinned. "That's going to drive Cutter mad," he told them as he followed them along and David stole someone else's gun. "Trade?" Stephen offered then, willing to hand over a sentimental piece in favour of something he wouldn't feel bad about losing.
"Eh?" said Connor's brother. Then he saw the gun. "Where'd you get that."
"The Tea shop," Connor supplied. "Were you in business with Dormie? In retrospect he must've thought I was you."
David looked stricken a moment. "You saw the shop?"
Connor seemed to know what his brother was thinking. "You did what you had to do, David," he said. "It's not been easy, I know."
David shook the moment off, taking back his father's gun, giving Stephen the other one. "Let's go, then," he said.
Coming around the corner, there was, indeed, a back entrance into the room which looked like a bizarre sort of imitation of a casino. There were roulette tables, craps tables, all sorts of gaming tables that didn't require anyone to actually think. Well, actually, there was a blackjack table, but as the dealers and whatnot kept on working, Stephen was able to see that the odds were stacked in favour of the players. Momentarily confused, he suddenly recalled being stuck in a small room with attractive women, saw the bare feet all over, and understood. It was designed to keep people happy, and the high of winning at a casino was probably as good a generator of happiness as anything else. Certainly easier to maintain long-term than a lot of things.
There was also an attractive young woman in a blue dress, purple jacket and high heeled boots being threatened by two of the armed suits. David was already over there, offering a sharp whistle to get their attention. He took advantage of the momentary distraction to knock one out, then the girl, Alice Stephen presumed, knocked the other one's gun down quickly, providing an opening for David to knock that one out too. "Hatter! You're okay!" she said.
David took the time to check on the clip and things with his gun, a move Stephen heartily approved of, when she gasped in horror over the damage that had been done to him. "Oh, it's a few cuts and bruises," he started to say, "I'm fine," when she flung herself at him.
"I thought you were dead," she said, wrapping herself around him.
"As much as I want to be bitterly jealous of you right now," Connor commented, "Can we get out of here?"
The couple turned and she looked between them, back and forth. "This is my little brother-"
"Twin brother," Connor interrupted. "Five minutes is not enough to make a difference, David,"
"Can we go?" Stephen asked, deeply uncomfortable as he looked at the people glazed over with the life being slowly sucked out of them. "Come back and rescue everyone once we've found some sort of backup? And maybe shoes?"
"No," she said. "Hatter, I'm sorry I didn't trust you before, but I have an idea. Do you see any more suits in here?"
"No," the twins chorused. "Why?"
"I have an idea. Let's seal the room," she ordered.
When David started to do as he was told, Connor glanced between him and the Alice girl. "You sure?" he said, not even sure if he was addressing her or his brother.
Stephen was a little more on point. "You really think we can get them out now?" he asked.
She looked him over, taking in his bare feet and tattoo, and said. "I'm sure."
"It's really not like you not to leap on the save everyone bandwagon," Stephen said to Connor as he joined David in blocking the doors.
"I've lived in fear of being caught by the Queen my whole life," Connor retorted. "It's not the same. And I don't know these people. I know you and David."
"But you're willing to chase after a smilodon with no back up and a rifle?"
Connor flushed. "That was just a man in a costume," he protested.
Stephen raised an eyebrow at him. "You didn't know that, did you?" he said. "You're a bit of an idiot, Connor, but you've never been a coward."
David and Alice were having a consultation by the doors when suddenly Alice dashed onto the stage that had so recently had a bunch of go-go dancers on it. She had David's gun and she fired a shot into the ceiling. Connor wasn't even aware of the soft bark of laughter that escaped as he said absentmindedly, "She really is an Alice."
"I thought you were in love with Abby?" Stephen commented. Connor shot him a dirty look.
David fired off a few shots himself. "Oi!" he shouted.
"Right then," Connor said, and started circling the room.
"What are you doing?" Stephen asked.
Finding a panel, Connor cracked it open, looking it over. "Seeing if I can find the machinery for pulling emotions around here. There's got to be something."
"See if you can find me some shoes while you're at it," Stephen told him. Connor flipped him a single finger in reply.
"Deal another hand, spin another roulette wheel and it will be your last!" shouted Alice.
Connor looked through it, starting to tug wires and follow connections. "Not this one. Just the electrics," he muttered.
"Where's security?" said a panicked-looking Diamond girl.
"Clearly not coming," Stephen offered. "Don't I remember you from that room you had me in?"
"Oh," she said, looking as though she was about to start flirting.
That was just . . . "Really? I know all the girls think you're the prettiest thing ever," Connor grumbled at Stephen, "But can you try not to flirt with the enemy right now?"
"Hey! Everyone, wake up!" Alice said.
Connor found another panel and cracked it open. There was tubing in that, with different colours. "Tea," Connor murmured. "Getting warmer." He started looking around the floor, hoping to find another panel that might give him a better chance to figure out what was going on, how all the mechanics worked.
"This isn't a dream, this is really happening," continued the brunette on the small stage. The Oysters were still all unresponsive, possibly sucked dry, Connor didn't know. But Alice wasn't giving up, David wasn't leaving without her and Connor wasn't leaving his brother alone. "Look at me. Think," she continued, despair starting to creep into her voice. Connor poked at someone, seeing one man start to move a little. Maybe a newer recruit. But as he watched, the man's feet stayed glued to the floor. Another poke and he saw he was right. The fact that the man's feet weren't coming off at all just ratcheted up the urgency to find a way to get the people loose.
Stephen was circling around, trying to shake awake a few around the edges who seemed more responsive. For a moment, his bare feet contacted a section of the floor and he glazed over before wrenching himself away and staggering a moment. "Alright there, Stephen?"
"I think," said the tracker.
"Where are your families? Your kids?" asked Alice. That finally got a response. A few people began to wake properly. "Your husbands and your wives," Alice continued, having seen this tack was working. "And your mothers and your fathers," she continued.
A police officer was feeling up and down his shirt, and the voice was so unexpected as he asked, "Where'd I leave my keys?" that it was as loud as Alice's.
"You were taken from them, and brought here," Alice said, looking hopeful and determined as the people started waking up. Connor redoubled his efforts to find a hatch.
Stephen muttered something about shoes as he carefully avoided the sections of panel meant to draw emotions, circling around with the gun.
"Try to think," Alice continued.
"Tough for some people," Connor grumbled as he found the catch under a table. The Diamond tried to stomp on his hand, and Connor glared at her. "Oh, it's you," he said recognising her. "Cut that out Penny."
"It's Peony," she hissed. "You cut it out, Hatter."
"Your name," Alice was ignoring the byplay on the floor. "What's your name?" she demanded, suddenly focusing on a bloke by the craps table.
"Taylor," the man responded. Suddenly he paused. "No. That's my son," he said, eyes widening in surprise. "My son," he said. Something seemed to have clicked.
With her new momentum, Alice ordered, "Look down at your feet! Try to walk away from the tables!"
A black woman with the largest hairdo Connor had ever seen was tugging on her legs. "Stuck," she said. "I can't move my feet!"
Shoving Peony away, Connor yanked open the floor and found something. "Hang on," he muttered. Just about . . . there! "Got it!" he said. One of the people at the table pulled away, slowly, as if moving through treacle. "One down, everyone else to go," he sighed.
Alice turned to some who were more far gone. "Wake up!" she shouted at them.
"David!" he called. "Give me a hand here!"
David hurried over, dropping down next to his brother, who was expertly messing around with the wires under the table as he tried to free the Oysters. He was getting them clear one at a time, but it wasn't fast enough. "Can you pry up some more of these panels?" Connor asked. "I just don't know enough about the mechanics to risk shorting this out."
"But you could from here?" he asked, impressed.
Stephen the Oyster snorted. "Please, he could probably free everyone from that one panel if given enough time. Sadly, he's something of a genius."
"Can I get that in writing for the next time Abby says I'm stupid?" Connor asked his Oyster friend.
"Who's Abby?" David asked as he pried up parts of flooring. Connor made a satisfied noise and messed around for a second or two. It abruptly freed everyone at that table.
So, Stephen answered. "Connor's roommate that he's trying to convince to date him."
"Really?" David grinned. "She pretty?"
"Gorgeous," Connor said with a sigh. "And she thinks I'm a complete prat."
"That's because you are," Stephen told him with a brief grin. "Don't think Abby hasn't told me all about your blackmailing her over Rex."
That was a bit funny actually. "Blackmail little brother? Tisk tisk, I need to show you how to use your . . . assets."
Connor was under the next table, muttering. "Cat curse it!"
"What's wrong?" Stephen asked.
His twin poked his head back out. "They must be taking something different at this table than the last one. The connections're all different."
Someone was starting to make headway against the doors and Alice, who had been stunning and riveting and pretty sexy while she was at it, kept up the pressure on the Oysters. "They're trying to get in, and do you know why? It's because they don't want you to wake up!"
The suits came bursting in along with the Club in the lead. Alice leapt off the stage, taking cover to shoot at them, Stephen the Oyster was also behind a table, taking a couple really magnificent shots. It made you wonder if everyone in Oyster land had Gifts as well. He'd never seen anyone shoot like Stephen before. Connor was ignoring the chaos, scrabbling away and freeing another batch of Oysters who hit the floor, trying to get out of the line of fire.
David vaulted off his perch in a move that was pretty impressive if he did say so himself, ignored Connor's "Showoff," and started moving to Alice's side. And then a man in a dull, pastel yellow jacket with the sleeves mostly cut off came in.
"Stop," he ordered the suits. "You're scaring the Oysters."
He saw several of them bristle at being treated like upset livestock. Connor had ducked out of sight of the door, working away under another table. But Alice, upon seeing the man, stood up, starting to breathe sharply, sounding like she might be suppressing sobs, standing where anyone could shoot her and aiming the gun at him. David crept closer, wondering what was going on now, what Alice had got them all into with this latest stunt. "What do you want?" she demanded.
"Put the gun down."
"You stay right there." Her voice was trembling and Connor finally paused, looking up and between the pair of them.
"It's me Alice. It's your father."
"Bloody hell," Connor muttered, eyes wide. Stephen, next to him, kicked him. David resolved to thank the Oyster later for that. He didn't want Connor drawing attention to himself. Not now, not when he'd just got him back, not when he wanted to introduce him and Alice properly, not when . . . when everything, really.
"You don't remember me. You don't remember anything."
"I . . . I do. Thanks to you I remember everything," he said, wrapping a hand around the watch on his wrist. Cheshire's luck, another bloody revelation, and probably another trap.
Alice was looking a little mad herself as she informed her father, "I don't believe you. This is just another trick." She spoke louder, informing the Oysters, "You see this guy? He's the one who brought you here. He hooked you up, and when he's done with you, when he's done with you he'll get rid of you. Isn't that right? Daddy, isn't that right!"
Connor was edging towards her now, his eyes filled with tears, the compassion and sympathy David had got beat out of him early on spilling from his brother's eyes. A quick glance showed Stephen looking discomfited, but still paying more attention to the suits and their guns than anything else. He made his own way closer to Alice, something in him hurting with her. But somehow her father had remembered, told her a story from when she was a little girl about a dead cat and Alice seemed to believe him.
It was really touching as they hugged and all. And then one of the Queen's goons showed up, tried to shoot Alice, and Stephen reacted. Faster than anything David could've done (that man definitely had a Gift with guns), shot the other man before he could do anything. And then the building started to shake. There was an odd, shifting clunk and the Oysters were free, running. "Come on, Alice!" he shouted, grabbing her hand and dragging her away.
As they ran for the stairs to get out of the apparently collapsing building, he heard Connor shouting, "Really Stephen? I though I was the one making bad jokes at inappropriate times! Enough with the shoes!"
Part Three Part Five Return to Other Fandoms Archive Return to Primeval Archive