Title: In Memoriam Author: woodra Rating: PG-13 to mild R depending on an individual Disclaimer: Mine, with an exception of one line, properly credited.
i liked it. but there's something... off here. it's missing some intangible thing that your writing usually has. perhaps i was just distracted during my reading of it. it's a good story, though.
I know what you mean - I think it could be explained by the fact that I didn't have the spare time to develop it well. I just had to get rid of the story in my head to live normally, so I put it down like that, without working hard on it, as I usually do with other short stories of mine. But it makes me glad you read my stories so well that you can already tell when there's something off - it's invaluable. Thank you.
Comments 3
perhaps i was just distracted during my reading of it.
it's a good story, though.
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