Title: As We Know It: Four Aspects
woodraRating: MUR [Morons Unallowed to Read]
Disclaimer: Mine, all mine.
Author Notes: Meta-narratives must die.
He sat in front of the computer. He was calculating. His fingers were thin and elegant, but pale and unhealthy. His hair jutted out in all directions and his gaze was manic. Calculating the fate of the universe is not a very easy thing. But who wouldn't want to become a messiah for the crowded billions? And he was close. In the morning, a guy in a pink cap with ear flaps came in and stabbed him in the back. Really, who wouldn't?
Once, there was a girl walking down the street. She had silky red ribbons braided in her hair. Then she left.
Perched up. Horizontal lines join vertical, coming to the sum of integral, as the lines impale the sky and the earth, exulting in the pinpointing Middle of Nowhere. Ruffled head is cocked to the side and a single yellow eye is scanning the precincts. Then the current is switched back on and a scorched corpse of the sparrow falls down.
A tremor of pain waved through her body exiting on the back with her hair upright. She sucked on it once again and her eyes fluttered close from the ache. But there was no way back. She sucked again and again, trying to encircle it with her teeth and extirpate. With grim determination she took the manicure scissors and stabbed the protuberance, extracting a wail of horrified pain. So torturous it was, but such ferocity in her eyes! She stabbed and stabbed until her left thumb was a bloody mess, a renegade protuberance still traitorously present. Then she got tired and cut the thumb away, leaving a bloody trail behind, everywhere she went.