So I've been thinking a lot about my last few fighting experiences (practices and Ursalmas). I seem to need to re-establish or re-create my ritual to get myself in the mindset of my "A" game, as it were. Of course, that's not to take away anything from my opponents' victories over me; they did the right things and good on them for ringing my bell
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Comments 1
Sounds like you were either to much in your head, or just not fighting in the moment at Ursalmas. Maybe at practice you could mark some of your fights as those fights that you ask your opponent for 3 non practice, full speed fights, and you practice establishing your head space. Win or loose, No excuses about performance, it is about the mind space, not the outcome of the fights. Pick a range of folks so you get used to fighting a range of folks at that level.
Believe, Behave, Become...
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