Title: And Leaves the World to Darkness Author: tarimanveri Rating: PG for minor character death Word Count: ~2500 Spoilers: General season 9 and season 10 pre-“Pegasus Project” Recipient: Hasina Ghani (drgemini24)
this was absolutely super! i really liked the contrast between the raw details about the village and the tenderness of their exchanges, and i think you got the perfect balance of guilt and comfort here- it's beautiful and i loved it! thanks for sharing this, i enjoyed it alot. (would it be okay if i friended you?)
Glad you enjoyed! And friend away. My RL journal is at tarimanveri, or if you're here mostly for the fic, all my fic is now archived at my shiny new fic journal, tarimanveri_fic.
I enjoyed the slow and reflective pacing, and the bitter edge to Daniel. He's got such a heavy burden to carry in these later seasons and it was a wonderful exploration of his feelings of guilt.
I especially loved the details you included, of his observations of the precarious hand-to-mouth existence of the village and the feeling of utter helplessness throughout.
Glad you liked! (see? I am catching up on my lj comments!) Especially glad you liked the "historical" details - I found my advisor's lectures about that sort of thing really moving, so I'm very happy that they ring true in the context they're re-emerged in.
Comments 15
I enjoyed the slow and reflective pacing, and the bitter edge to Daniel. He's got such a heavy burden to carry in these later seasons and it was a wonderful exploration of his feelings of guilt.
I especially loved the details you included, of his observations of the precarious hand-to-mouth existence of the village and the feeling of utter helplessness throughout.
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