Title: Runcible Spoon
aurora_novarumRating: G/Family
Warnings: None
Genre: Action/Adventure
Pairings:Sam & Daniel friendship; Classic Team friendship
Spoilers: Set early Season 4-ish.
Summary: While their teammates enjoy the benefits of an "easy mission", Daniel and Sam explore a fascinating cave on an uninhabited planet. What could go wrong?
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Comments 16
SQUEE!!! You put in the pink polka-dotted elephants! :) :) :)
I'll be back on Friday with slightly more coherent feedback, when I've had time to read and enjoy it properly.
See you on Friday, and take care. :-)
What episode is that icon from? Reckoning 1? They look so darn cute. You just want to pinch their cheeks!
::happy sigh::
And, of course, Teal'c's zinger. Because any fic that lets Teal'c snark at his teammates is automatically a winner. :)
Thanks so much for this great fic!
Sam and Daniel wonder-twinning is just teh awesome, isn't it? See, you probably thought I was kidding when I said I whumped them a bit to get them back in line with the muse. ;-) And of course Jack and his fishing...I imagine sometimes this is the planet Jack thought of in "Beneath the Surface" where the beaches go on forever.
And Sam's cheerful handwave of her Magically Compatible Laptop (tm)!
Little secret. That was the first part of this story written--although altered a lot in setting--because I co-opted it from a scrapped opening scene in "Netscapade". Then when you griped about Sam's laptop in one of your ep reviews, I knew no matter what, it had to stay. LOL.
Teal'c is great to play with humor, because he does it so deadpan, you can never tell if he's playing "ignorant alien" or totally screwing with you. (I think it's 90% the latter).
It's always fab when you manage to incorporate small details that you've picked up into fic - it just adds so much to the atmosphere. :D
I definitely laughed at Sam and her laptop. Especially her woe when it died on her :P
Hee, yes Sam's laptop. An important tool for saving the galaxy. ;-)
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