Doctor Who

Jun 23, 2007 20:37

Tonight's Doctor Who was sooo [insert spoiler of choice here] that I just had to write my first ever Who.. review, for lack of a better word. Actually it's more of a reaction post than a review. Cut for mild spoilers for The Sound of Drums..

I do apologise for lack of coherency, I'm currently in what would be squee-mode if it wasn't for the tension.

This episode goes, in my mind, and not necessarily in the right order, something like this: mild political commentary (which was by the way excellent timing what with the handover of power to our new unelected PM next week), action recap, crossover to action film genre (was it just me or did the Doctor in the car = really weird cross-fandom mental imagery due to it being so alien?), then plotplotplot huge backstory development of PLOT to the power n!! annnd then some more plot, weirdly slashy conversation between the Doctor and the Master, more suspense, more plot, amazing special effects, did I mention the plot? then it's star wars all the way really..

I really need to watch it again, preferably with pause capabilities, because my brain started freezing somewhere in the middle of all the super-fast backstory plot development and I'm sure I missed a lot of it.

But can I just say once more: Plot!!! Plot!! brain-exploding-plot! Someone needs to tell the writers there are more than three episodes in a series so they can spread it out a bit more..

All in all, a good episode.

P.s. Oh and the 'I like it when you call me Master' or words to that effect was just..! how did they get away with that at 7.30pm on a Saturday?! Or maybe it's just my mind has been turned towards slash-dom.. I swear my mind never used to be like this... Still, lol eh? ;)


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