I am now safely installed in my room at Warwick, with internet at last!
I'm a bit bewildered by the sheer volume of information that's been thrown at me today. It was introductory day for Biology post-grads, and I now have two A4 ringbinders full of Very Important Information to be read and forms to sign, plus two smaller files of other equally important information. Oh and a book, a university card, and a mental checklist of Things That Absolutely Must Be Done On Pain Of Death, the content of which I can't remember.
I'm sure it'll be fine. I mean many different people have told me that if I fail to do this or that they will hunt me down. Sadly, for one of these things, I drifted off and only caught the jokey-threat end of the sentence.. oops?
My seven kitchen-and-living-room-sharing-people, who will henceforth be known as my flatmates, all seem very nice, or at least reasonably sane and friendly. They're all Masters students, mostly in something maths-related and represent a pretty wide cultural mix, which is always fun.
My fellow biological sciences PhD students were also very friendly, so I'm hoping I'll get to see more of them in the health and safety talks later this week. It would be nice to have some friends at the same stage and in the same department as me.
What else? Oh yes...
I'm very excited about getting my own desk. Also my own shelf, and filing cabinet(s) and lab bench area. But mostly the desk :) I also stumbled over the lab's stash of mulled wine today, a Christmas tradition that I'm looking forward to.
There was other stuff I wanted to say but my brain appears to be collapsing under the strain of trying to remember everything. It'll keep.
It's just surreal that I'm finally here, doing this. Although I wont start properly in the lab til next week, it's just.. unreal. Completely amazing! but weird.