Name/Nickname: Jasmine / Fuu
Age: 15 turning 16
Likes: Reading, drawing, and watching movies (alone). This might sound weird, but I also like to just role up the window at night and stare at the sky.
Dislikes: People messing with my family & friends, messes (which I frequently encounter), and bugs.
Strong points: I have a big sister complex so I tend to toughen up when it comes to my eight smaller siblings (yes, eight). Other than that, all I'm really good at nowadays is cleaning ._.;;
Weaker points: Definitely shy...It's not that I hate talking to people, but I mostly keep to myself 95% of the time.
Hobbies & Talents: See my "likes" for my hobbies. As for my talents, as I said, cleaning. People say I'm artistic too but I beg to differ...
Describe your personality in three words: Soft Spoken Rainstorm
Favorite color: Lavender, Light Blue, & Black
Hot or Cold?: Cold
Mature or Immature?: Both. I have my moments.
Leader or Follower?: Follower
Optimistic or Pessimistic?: Pessimistic (most definitely)
Low, medium, or high energy level?: Low or High, rarely Medium
Favorite character & why?: Takanari because...well, he's Takanari ^//^ Haine also inspires me somewhat.
Anything else?: Please regard me kindly! *bows*