shoot me now

Jun 28, 2006 19:04

So the title of 2x01. *twitch* This is why I'm not allowed to read spoilers. I get all vocal. Screamy, really. I squeaked. A few times. --Which has nothing to do with the title itself (well, maybe), more with the fact that it exists.
But that's ALL I read. *quiver* But since the links to the whole thing got posted on papawinchester and jdmorgan I think it's safe to say...well, yeah. There you go. Casting sides posted on those comms, what more can a girl live with knowing?

So there was this fic. It was really good, and I couldn't find it. For months. And by "find it" I mean, in my own memories. *headdesk* Turns out it wasn't where I thought it was...duh. It was also in the last place I looked. :P
And, um, the moment I DID find it? Three seconds after posting about it on spnstoryfinders. It was like magic--I posted, and then went to my memories and just clicked on an author name and wow, there it was. Obviously simple word association, some memory clicking in, but did it have to happen right then? Weird. Needless to say, I deleted the post real fast.

Is it wrong to laugh like a mad person when someone says, in a thread about mid-season breaks, "No breaks! That would be horrible!" (Italics mine, of course). WOULD BE? As if it possibly won't happen? *snigger* And I've said it before, but mid-season breaks are a great time to get things done between the squee and the meta. (Meta? What's that word even MEAN?) Not to say one can't whine a bit about it, but it's kind of a fact of life for those of us watching currently-running TV shows.

You know what the best fics are? The ones that make you LOVE your show more, that make you think about it in new ways. 'Cause I haven't watched an ep in weeks--I'm not even sure when, but I think it was "Nightmare"--but I'm all a'squee about my show from the fics I've been reading. And now that I've printed so much, I finally have time to read. And a real drive to do so.
--I love having fics printed. See, when I was a kid I loved to jump on my bed, and just a few months ago it went and started squeaking on me. VERY annoying. I moved quite happily to the floor, but my bed frame is still there next to my mattress. It makes this lovely out-of-the-way spot where I can pile up the fic and plug in a lamp for those rare nights I go and blind my bunnies instead of just going right to sleep.

And all that reading and thinking has made me really wanna have some sort of non-vague thought on it all...but it's like it's on the tip of my tongue and I just can't quiet get it. I think for now, I can't WAIT to see where they go with this! will have to cover it. I'm all excited. I want new canon to deconstruct! Or, rather, to watch others deconstruct and draw ideas from and find patterns in. Because I'm quite sure things are going to get veeeery interesting. And pretty. Never forget the pretty.

So, it's September 21st, right? I will not do that math. Not if I don't wanna think about it ever friggin' morning.

Holy Sammy Winchester, it's stormin'! And ma daddy'll keel me if I don't shut the 'puter down. Weehaw!

Edit: Oh, my GOD! Everybody shut up about season fucking two! *punches head with both fists* (And I am NOT kidding about that.) I can't take it anymore! What happened to my BREAK? Three months to go before it's overover and now it's OVER! I want it back, damn it!
And if I freak out this much without being spoiled...? *da da DA!*
*sigh* Where's my net!zen? I've gotta get it back already... Job!zen is fine, but I think the fandom copy went to the beach.
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