answers: 1. a class aid helps grade easy papers like homework assignments and what not. they run errands for the teacher too. i guess. i dunno, as i have never been one before. but my question is: be a class aide? mr. barickman is one of my fave teachers, but i seriously am not kidding when i say i need that study hall. i may need 2! not like i couldn't do my work in his class... but i wouldn't be seeing SG there either. and i wouldn't get to go the library that much. it's not a huge deal either way, though. 2. ours is october 8th. also, if i happen to maybe go to yours, i need to meet some of the potential dates... which will be hard because of all the homework i'm going to have from school. we have a 4 day weekend this weekend, though. 3. i don't know. i'm so confused about homecoming right now. i don't even know if i'm going... i don't know who i want to go with... well, i know who i'd want to go with, but i'm not sure it would work out... bleaghhhhhhhhh.
Comments 5
1) what is a class aid? perhaps, like a student who helps teach? or someone who makes the coffee? or passes out the papers?
2) when is your homecoming?
3)are you coming to my work on sunday?
1. a class aid helps grade easy papers like homework assignments and what not. they run errands for the teacher too. i guess. i dunno, as i have never been one before. but my question is: be a class aide? mr. barickman is one of my fave teachers, but i seriously am not kidding when i say i need that study hall. i may need 2! not like i couldn't do my work in his class... but i wouldn't be seeing SG there either. and i wouldn't get to go the library that much. it's not a huge deal either way, though.
2. ours is october 8th. also, if i happen to maybe go to yours, i need to meet some of the potential dates... which will be hard because of all the homework i'm going to have from school. we have a 4 day weekend this weekend, though.
3. i don't know. i'm so confused about homecoming right now. i don't even know if i'm going... i don't know who i want to go with... well, i know who i'd want to go with, but i'm not sure it would work out... bleaghhhhhhhhh.
she brought cake.
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