Interviewed by grotesquery

Jun 20, 2008 16:18

1) If you want me to interview you, you leave a comment here saying “interview me,” or some variation thereof.
2) I will reply to your comment with five questions for you.
3) You will post the answers to the questions in your own journal, and then offer to interview your friends.

1.) Which author's books have you read more than any other and what draws you to that author and their work?

In my lifetime? Probably Doctor Seuss, for obvious reasons. More recently, Neil Gaiman stuff is what I'll pick up over and over again, and immediately grab anything new he has out. I just love his intelligent/macabre/historical/geeky Brit writing style and I love his imagination, plus I follow his blog which tends to make him feel very accessible as a writer & as a person. I feel if we ever met in a non-stalkerish capacity, we'd be mates!

2.) If you could have a pet of any kind, whether or not it's real or just something you've seen in a movie, what would it be?

I was going to say a dragon, but I can't imagine one lending itself very easily to pet-hood. Having my current pet, Izzy-pants (a cat.), be able to communicate with me and I with her, and have her be all self-actualized and super-sentient would be swell!

3.) You've been granted the ability to time travel and, while you'll always be able to return to the present, you have to choose between going into the future or the past. Which would you choose?

Being an avid Doctor Who fan, and thus relegating all time-travel scenarios to the confines of the Doctor's universe, I'd have to say future, given only the one choice.

4.) Is there some obscure thing that you hate being subjected to (a mannerism, a type of movie, anything at all) that others would call you irrational for feeling so strongly about?

Toilet humour. I really & truly despise it and think it one of the lowest forms of funny-making. Friends have given me grief for this but I will not be moved to think otherwise.

5.) If you had to get a tattoo of a band name/logo, cartoon or movie character, or some other symbol from TV or movies, what would it be?

Hmm. Would probably have to go with the little 4 Elements symbol on Lilu's wrist from The Fifth Element. It would be fairly unobtrusive, acceptably dorky, and I couldn't see myself getting too sick of it over time.
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