It is fucking hard. But hey, I did it. And I'm a fucking painter for God's sake.
Quitting cold turkey won't work. I mean, it did for me but I'm a fucking freak of nature.
I think you should collectively buy just one pack of cigarettes and keep it in the house in case of emergency cravings. You know, ween yourself off. Or at least set yourself rules. Like, only one cigarette every day, and then one every two etc until you finally quit or just get sick of them.
I'm starting to get insane food cravings since the nicotine is almost all out of my system, I haven't smoked since new years with you. *death*
Fuck yeah its hard. But honestly, you can tell a big difference just on the first day. I took a few puffs of Steves lastnight before he went to bed and I thought it was disgusting. Im not too sure if itd be a good idea for you to quit just now, considering you might rip someones fuckin head off at work ... but when ya get home, theres still a chair for ya outside with your name on it! :) -roomie c.
good for you hun. it's so much harder to live with the effects of smoking than to just quit. it seems the opposite but that's just your brain playing tricks on you. you know that and thats why you are going to succeed. think of all the money you will have!
10$. i fucked up my foot last night, and i'm on crutches, so i don't know for sure yet if i'm going to be going. but i do know that tonight, i will definately need a drink. more details on that later. i'll call you on my lunch break.
i won't be home...i will call you from work so we can figure stuff out. how did you fuck up your foot? you were trying to smoke with your toes weren't you? weirdo. :P i <3 you.
well. i was trying to get a cig from sam, but he wouldn't give me one. so i jumped him and was trying to wrestle them out of his hands. i tripped over him, and my foot scraped along the cement. when i looked down because my foot hurt, the whole callus on the bottom of my foot was hanging and it was bleeding like crazy. so now i can't walk and my foot is throbbing.
Comments 9
Quitting cold turkey won't work. I mean, it did for me but I'm a fucking freak of nature.
I think you should collectively buy just one pack of cigarettes and keep it in the house in case of emergency cravings. You know, ween yourself off. Or at least set yourself rules. Like, only one cigarette every day, and then one every two etc until you finally quit or just get sick of them.
I'm starting to get insane food cravings since the nicotine is almost all out of my system, I haven't smoked since new years with you. *death*
-roomie c.
ps - hows work going?
call me from work, preferably after 5.
<3 you.
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