Hello friends! I so badly want to do that December meme going around, because y'all ask such good questions, but I would never be able to answer the comments until, like, February, and having them linger there unanswered would stress me out, so I'm going to withhold. So tempting though. Of course I'm also going to be out of town for a large chunk of the time, so, probably for the best.
ANYWAY. I do come bearing good news: More Joy Day is a GO for January 9, 2014! What is More Joy Day, you may be asking yourself? Well I will tell you! Cribbed from the original post back in 2008 (omg):
Awhile back, I was reading the American Idol recaps over on Televisionwithoutpity.com and I came to this paragraph, written by the recapper Jacob:
Some dick cuts you off on the highway, and you give yourself the pass to be a dick to the next five customers, and your bad mood fades by lunchtime, and you forget the dick on the highway, you forget the color of his car, you forget how he was on the phone with his ex-wife, yelling about custody of their kids, and how he never meant to cut you off in the first place, he was just distracted. Your day continues as planned, and at lunch you check your websites and read a funny recap, and you maybe laugh out loud, and you go home and watch TV. But those five guys give themselves the pass to be dicks to the next five -- they're having a bad day, so it's okay just this once, and they're happy again by lunch -- and those twenty-five become six hundred twenty-five, and those six twenty-five become a million, and you've added to the sum total of anger in the world. But it works with love, too, and kindness. ... Your donation is something tangible, but what it means is something altogether more powerful, and it's that you continue to stand, and you continue to remember that you're not alone, and with reverence for this fact, you can't help but add to joy. Which is your entire job, from the day you're born until the day you die: more joy.
So here’s my idea:
In the interest of spreading more joy, I’m proposing that on More Joy Day we each engage in one act, either here on or outside of LJ/DW, which brings joy to another person, in the hopes that that person will spread that joy further, and exponentially onward.
Some ideas I had of things we could do:
Write a fic, make an icon, make a vid, or make a fanart for someone. Buy someone paid time or userpics. Leave someone a nice comment. Say something nice about something fannish someone else loves. Say something nice about something fannish you love and encourage squee (and squee on someone else’s post if they make one!). Offer to beta for someone. Offer to donate five dollars to the charity of someone's choice. Send flowers to an online friend in a different city. Buy someone you know online a present. Or a virtual present. Plant a tree or a flower in someone's honor and take a picture of it and post it to your journal/tumblr/whatever. When somebody cuts you off at work, wish them well and hope they get where they’re going safely. Make somebody a friendship bracelet. Or a construction paper heart. Call someone you love and tell them so. Or anything else you can think of!
Then on that Thursday, make a post saying what you've done (or a note that it's More Joy day), and that will hopefully help spread things further.
This will be our SEVENTH YEAR doing More Joy Day, and I'm hoping for a great turnout this year. The key is not the size or quantity of your MJ Day effort, but just that you take a moment to consciously do a good deed for someone else, to give them a moment of happiness just for the sake of spreading happiness further into the world. I have found in past years that just treating the day as a scouting opportunity to do something nice for other people has always always always made it a happier, joy-filled day for me. The attitude I carry with me on More Joy Day transforms the day itself, without fail. Please join me for another transformational day this year!
Last year I belatedly put up a post for people to list things they might like to receive on MJ Day. It wasn't very well attended (either askers or givers), so what are your thoughts on me doing that again? I could put it up the week before this time? Or just let people do what they will for the day? I can't decide! Input welcome. :)
One last thing - I wasn't sure if people knew where to find my social media presence these days, and I've been contemplating how I make the decision to post what, where these days, and so if you're interested in following me, here's where I am and what I post there:
LJ/DW: SDWolfpup. (Hi, you're here already! This is where I put my Puplet/Puptoo posts, my long-form TV/book/movie thoughts, post my vids (ha ha ha, like I vid any more), talk about life, and generally just kind of randomly blather about stuff that may or may not involve fandom. Everything posted publicly except the Puplet/Puptoo posts, which I have an opt-in filter for. I should re-post that poll for folks in case that's changed.)
Twitter: SDWolfpup. (Short-form blasts about shows, mostly Sleepy Hollow & Brooklyn Nine-Nine as I watch; brief Puplet/Puptoo anecdotes; RTs of stuff I find interesting/funny/important; random crap that is not worth making a whole post to LJ about, like my addiction to Chopped. Everything posted publicly.)
Tumblr: AJobLotOfJunk. (Mostly reblogging all of the stuff I love for many many MANY different fandoms, social justice-related stuff, art, other people's pictures. Very little actual discussion. All posted publicly.)
Tumblr: TJGPhotos. (My photography blog. Sadly neglected right now but I am going to post more; I've been making an effort to take my camera out with me more, just need to edit the photos for posting. All posted publicly.)
Facebook: My real name. (I don't give this out, so if you know my real name, feel free to find me there, otherwise, I'm sorry. Very little fannish content, mostly just real-life stories and a way for me to keep in touch with family and friends who aren't fannishly inclined. Everything posted friends-locked.)
I think that's it. Heh.
This entry was cross-posted at
my Dreamwidth account. Please comment here or there. (
comments at DW)