stolen from tiffany

Aug 28, 2005 15:07

?HEARTS (love)

2?: Are you happy about something today: not really, worried and scared... and missing Jun
3?: What about it makes you so happy: if Jun would've talked nicely on msn last night...
4?: When was the last time you went out with friends: few hrs ago, which i think it's gonna be the last gathering in summer... there's a slight chance of seeing in winter but w/e
5?: When did you last spend time with your family: yesterday morning
6?: When was the last time you went on a genuine date: genuine eh... then when we went to eaton centre i think... but just meeting Jun is good for me =)
7?: When was the last time you kissed someone: the last time I was with Jun
8?: When was the last time you had sex: same answer as above lol
9?: When was the last time you told someone you loved them: today online, but he missed it by signing off too early... but I said it last night too but he said "sure sure" as a reply @_@
10?: Have you ever been in love: yes... like now...
J?: Who knows more about you than anyone else: Jun, Mita and Francine
Q?: Who in your family are you closest to: i wouldnt vote for anyone in this category.
K?: Who is your closest friend: Mita and Francine
A?: Who do you love, more than anyone: Junny~

? DIAMONDS (money and success)

2?: What's the first time you ever remember getting money: yesterday
3?: What did you do with it: i kept it, i havent spent it yet... which is amazing...
4?: What's the first thing you bought because everyone else was buying it: i didnt buy nething yet, but i want a bag...
5?: What was your favorite gift from childhood: this stuffed animal... but after the eyes were disappearing and i had this scary dream... i threw it out. lol
6?: What is the most money anyone ever gave you, as a child: a child??? well im gonna have to tell u in korean money then... lol. close to 10000 won
7?: What's your favorite toy from childhood: my stuff animals
8?: What car do you drive now: nothing
9?: Where do you live now: sauga
10?: What's the greatest thing you've ever bought: digital camera?
J?: What car do you most want: Lancer Evolution 4?? from Mitsubushi company
Q?: Where do you most want to live: Seoul, Korea. lol
K?: What luxury (you'll probably never be able to afford) would you most like: mansion or a big house in Asian style.
A?: What do you consider the pinnacle of success: Becoming the most famous Actress in Korea... and having everyone loving me and of course there will be some of haters... but meh. and also, able to work forever or as long as possible in that field.

? SPADES (labor and career)

2?: What was your first job: Star Video - sales clerk...
3?: How much did you make: minimum per hr... without tax. lol
4?: What was your favorite job: idk... all i did was working in star video and working for my parents... i didnt like both... lol
5?: Why did you leave it: i had to move an hr from there lol
7?: What did you study: currently, ECE (Early Childhood Education)
8?: What is your current job: sitting around at home
9?: How long have you been doing your job: 2 months now?
J?: What do you plan to eventually do: i wanna continue education in buffalo with Jun, and live together in Niagara or something... and then becoming a teacher...
Q?: If money were no object, what would you do: do everything that money is/used to be involved in.
K?: What's the hardest thing you've ever done: i cant think of anything...
A?: What's the hardest thing you've ever done, purely out of kindness: just helping i guess... um like, typing essays and assignments for this girl in my class... cuz she's 30 yrs old and doesnt kno a thing about computer. i dont wanna do it nemore cuz she doesnt pay me much nemore... pfft

? CLUBS (war and conflict)

2?: Are you upset about something: not really... just wondering why Jun wasnt talking to me much on msn the other day... V_V
3?: Why does it upset you: read above
4?: Are you not talking to someone: no
5?: Is someone not talking to you: he's working right now... so cant at the moment.
6?: Were you personally affected by September 11th: no cuz I live in peaceful Canada =)
7?: Has it changed your personal habits: No
8?: If you were drafted, would you object: maybe if Bush wasnt the president... but no.
9?: Can you see yourself dying for your country: for Korea yes...
10?: Can you see yourself dying for anything else: for Jun yes... and friends and family.
J?: What is the worst news you ever received: school's starting soon =(
Q?: When was the last time you cried: i dont remember
K?: When was the last time you hit someone: me and Mita hit Francine all the time to stop her weirdness... but mostly its Mita who's slapping her... I just laugh.
A?: Have you ever genuinely wanted to kill someone: somewhat, but i'll say no.
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