Title: Maka and Her First Day At Shibusen Recipient: skytyne Rating: K Characters/Pairings: Maka, Spirit Summary: Death City. Spirit takes Maka to see Shibusen for the first time. Notes: None.
Eeeee, little Maka! I love love love the way that you wrote her interacting with all three characters - Spirit, Death, and Soul. Everything felt totally believable and IC. I also appreciate how you started with a bit of a downer scene but then ended with that adorable, hopeful scene with Soul. :)
So cute!! I loved how Death was left trying to comfort little Maka, and how you managed to capture her spunk even when she's upset. It was sweet how Maka and Soul meeting was a simple occurrence, but still really changed her thought process. I love this! X3 Thank you so much!
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