Title: It’s A Game!
pikabotRating: G
Characters/Pairings: Maka, Tsubaki, Kilik and Soul
Summary: Maka has been having a stressful day, so Tsubaki introduces her to computer games. Maka takes the rules and applies them to certain real life situations!
I found this thing. Is it going to set me on fire? )
Comments 4
I really kind of love fanfic where the characters talk about things like movies and computer games, especially fics where they're all so perfectly in-character (like this one!). It's this sort of slice-of-life stuff that I know we're never going to get in the real series but that I just eat up with a spoon anyway. :)
Thank you very much for this! I particularly enjoyed Spirit's (offscreen, but I think it works better that way in this case) histrionics.
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