Title: A New Challenge
its_onthefritzRating: G
Characters/Pairings: Maka (with Soul as support?)
Summary: Maka pumps herself up for the beginning of school and being a meister. Soul isn't so sure.
Notes: Yay, early school uniforms X3
Art under the cut! )
Comments 6
LOVE the first one (ahsfkjdh, my precious otp). Their expressions are cracking me up, hahaha. The second one with Tsubaki is really sweet. Nice to see any of the kids happy and at peace in their inner souls. The coloring is really pretty here too. Eruka and Jackson <3 <3, so cute!
Thank you so much for doing all of these :). They're really awesome!
I'm really happy you like them!
I really love the Tsubaki pic. I feel at peace when I look at it. :)
Ah! OTP!! lol, Maka's face is priceless; she is so happy to learn. Soul, on the other hand, hahah I love them.
Great work. :)
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