Name: Seamus Braeden Finnigan
Nicknames: Seamus, Little Leprechaun (Harry only), Mate
Birthday: January 25 1980
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Orientation: Bisexual
Place of Birth: Dublin, Ireland
Place of Residence: Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Nationality: Irish and proud ;)
Schooling: Muggle school until he got his letter because his father wanted him to have some muggle learning. He doesn't remember that much though, he's forgotten most of what he learned through disuse and non interest.
House: Gryffindor
Year: 6th
House Colors: Red and Gold
Quidditch Position: Beater.
Prefect?: No
Wand: ...Can't remember this one either..
Wand Hand: Right.
Pet: Patrick. A rather dumb owl ;)
Allegiance: Good side. The winning side, he'd call it ;)
Height: 5'8"ish
Weight: Checking up.
Hair: Honey coloured kind of blonde. It gets bleached lighter by the sun in summer, but it's typically a darker shade.
Eyes: Hazel. Goes between greeny brown and browny green..
Complexion: Rather fair, he tans easily before he actually starts to burn. He's got freckles on his face that come out more with increased sun exposure.
Build: Built. Fit and good muscle tone.
Speech: Irish accent (that he sometimes tries to emphasis at times on purpose but shhh, it's a secret ;).
Identifying Marks: He has freckles, and he's usually grinning when he's going through a good mood phase.
Clothing Style: Casual. He likes jeans and tshirts and sweaters.
Marital Status: Currently with Harry.
Partner: Harry
Occupation: Still a student. Decided over the summer to become a curse breaker.
Broom: Average. Not newest top of the line, but not terribly bad either.
Eyesight: Very good
Hearing: Very good
Left/Right/Ambidextrous: Right.
Disabilities/Handicaps: Seamus is given to moods quite often. He is also very addictive to obsessing over things, be they people or things. He can be very cruel to people. He also seems to have a way of looking at the world as if nothing is his fault unless its unequivocably his fault, undeniably so. In which case he obsesses over it broodingly.
Extrovert/Introvert: Extrovert for the most part.
Phobias/Fears: Banshees. Being alone in the world. He's also kind of scared of Theo and Blaise, but he would never admit it. There's others, but I can't think of them right now
Mental Health: Sometimes I wonder ;) He's pretty sane though, on average ;)
Home: He lives in a nice three bedroomed house on the outskirts of Dublin with a big garden that it is his job to take care of during the summer, much to his despair.
Father: Thomas Finnigan
Mother: Briana Finnigan
Siblings: None
Friends: Harry, Dean, Ron, Parvati, Marlow, the usual bunch ;)
Enemies: Theo and Blaise, Bletchley, most of the slytherin house.
Traits: He's very moody, and has moodswings quite often, ranging from all sorts of different extremities. He's very fun loving for the most part, and has an uncanny knack of knowing what buttons to push in certain people, usually learned through trial and error to see what gets the best reaction. He is terribly obsessive, usually with a one track mind. But he's also rather loyal, and would fight for his friends whether they're right or wrong.
Likes: Harry, chocolate frogs, The Penguin, DADA, eating, sleeping, avoiding homework, being outside, flying, quidditch and a few other things.
Dislikes: I'll need to think more about this ;) He's very set in what he doesnt like, but he doesnt know what they are at this very moment.