Things I Like About Myself - Day 13

Jul 16, 2010 20:39

I missed a day. Whatevs.

I like the way I get really excited about things.

I am emotionally intense and I am a receptive audience and I'm little bit OCD and I get really really excited about things.

About people, events, concepts, movies, music, actual physical things, all kinds of stuff.

I really enjoy the hell out of my own excitement and enthusiasm.

And I thoroughly enjoy other people's excitement about things. So I definitely like this about myself.

I have to say though, for the most part, I don't find my excitement to be something other people seem to like about me. (FYI--I'm not fishing for "I like your excitement!" I'm just sharing my observations.)

Generally it seems people find it funny or dorky or even actually annoying. I have definitely downplayed it at times.

Because it is apparently too much for some people and some environments. I have been questioning why I even have the capacity to get so excited, especially about people, when it doesn't seem to be returned or even appreciated.

I definitely play down how excited I get about people, because it really does seem to be too much for most people. And there's certainly fear of rejection and junk. But I'm getting better at enjoying the people without so much thought of what happens in return.

And in general I'm caring a whole lot less about what people think of me.

I love my excitement. So I am going to be excited. Goddammit.

things i like about myself

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