Title: Agony and Ecstasy: The Fullmetal Iliad (Book 1)
priestess_grrrlSeries: FMA
Pairing: RoyxEd
Rating: NC-17, Book 1: PG-13
Warnings: Um, it’s the Iliad. Blood, death, war, angst. Major character deaths.
Apologies to: Homer, Robert Fagles, Hiromu Arakawa, Manowar for the title
Dedication: To
rainjoyous, who shares my love of everything Classical and
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Comments 50
I giggled out loud at "Manwhore of Babylon."
you're writing the Fullmetal Iliad.
you made me almost say that you're righting it I LOVE THIS SO MUCH 8D 8D 8D
and all of the characters... so perfect. I am so looking forward to Book II.
Book II is in progress as we speak! Thanks so much for your kind words! ^_^
Obliviousness, thy name is Roy.
Great AU. I enjoyed it so much, and hope for more!
Anyways, glad you liked! More coming soon, thanks for reading! ^_^
I bow before your fanfic Goddesshood. I mean that (I hope that's not sacreligious to you!). You and the Hawkeyed Riza (she *should* be Goddess of Wisdom, so perfect!)
Your Roy and Ed are both to die for in this incarnation, as all your Roys and Eds are.
I have to go to work now. And see if I can get the Fagles translation from somewhere in this state...
Honestly I can't believe I'm really pimping Robert Fagles. I remember when his Odyssey first came out, and me and one of my fellow Classicists laughed for 20 minutes over "a man of many twists and turns" for polytropos. (It does mean "many turns" but somehow the addition of "twists" just struck us as particularly hilarious). My other favorite is when he has Akhilles address Patroklos as "O My Rider" (for hippeus, horseman). My rider? I mean, did his editor not take him aside and be like, "Um, the thing is, Robert, I don't know if you were going for yaoi on purpose here or what, but..." *giggles ( ... )
Sadly our library system doesn't have the Fagles but we do have Lattimore so I'll be a good intellectual snob and try that translation. If I'm not happy I'll try ILL for Fagles.
I like your scholarly blah blah blah, especially since my education in classical language and lit is somewhat lacking, especially for a former English major.
FMA and the Iliad!!!! there is no better heaven at the moment! ^_^
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