fun fun fun survey about moi!
w00t w00t you can't waaait
1. Have you had any relationships this year?
- yeah
2. Have you had your birthday?
- yeah
3. Cried yet?
- haha
4. Been on a diet?
- depends on how you look at it
5. Pulled an all nighter?
- yeah
6. Drank Starbucks?
- duh
7. Went Camping?
- no, even though it was a plan :(
8. Bought something(s)
- yeah
9. Met someone special?
- sigh
10. Visited a different State?
- i live in a different state now
11. Gone Snowboarding?
- no
12. What are you thinking about?
- same old shit
13. Hugged someone?
- in the past year? of course
2.) Slept in someone elses bed?
- 14? 2? but yeah i have
3.) any alchohol?
- thank god yeah
4.) Loaned out money?
- yeah
5.) Gotten in a car accident?
- got a ticket
6.) Gone over your cell phone bill?
- yes
7.) Been called a whore?
- um, yes
8.) Done something you regret?
- kinda
Last Person you hugged?
- probably jamie
Last Person to call you?
- i don't know
When was the last time you felt stupid?
- usually
Who was the last person you danced with?
- i have no idea
What did you do today?
- college
01. Hometown?
- morris plains
02. Natural hair color?
- brunette
03. Initials?
- mkm
04. Hair style?
- long?
5. eye color?
- blue green
06. Height:
- 5' 4 3/4" according to my last physical
07. Pets:
- doggie
08. Mood:
- tired or something
09. Where would you rather be?
- i'm not telling
10. Last thing you drank?
- diet pepsi
01. Have you ever been in love:
- yes
02. Do you believe in love?
- yes
03. Why did your LAST relationship fail?
- um because of his school stress, allegedly
04. Have you ever been heartbroken?
- are you kidding
05. Have you ever broken someone's heart?
- by accident yeah
06. Have you ever fallen for your best friend?
- kind of. don't do it, it can be fatal
07. Have you ever loved someone but never told them?
- hm, no
08. Are you afraid of committment?
- no, i generally prefer it
10. Have you had more than 5 different serious relationships in your life?
- nope
01. Are you missing someone right now?
02. Are you eating anything?
03. Do you like someone right now?
and that is the end? weird survey.