
Jul 19, 2005 02:14

I'm very sad to report that despite everyone's best efforts, Trouble has passed away. My heart is absolutely broken. I just heard the news a few minutes ago, I think I'm still in shock. He was doing so much better and then he suddenly just fell over dead. My poor sweet angel.

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Comments 11

kitsunessa July 19 2005, 10:35:48 UTC
Oh my god... I'm SO sorry. I don't know what to say... I wish I could come over there and hug you in person, but I know nothing will take the pain away right now. Let me know if I can do anything. Oh... I'm shocked...I'm so so sorry.... :hugg


rusalkat July 19 2005, 10:39:06 UTC
oh my goodness. i am so sorry! *hug*


honeyporkchop July 19 2005, 12:10:05 UTC
Oh, no! That's terrible!
I am SO sorry!


triplecrown July 19 2005, 12:56:14 UTC
I am so, so sorry. *hugs* You're in my thoughts. :(


bluelinegoddess July 19 2005, 14:30:57 UTC
*hugs tightly*

You are in my thoughts.


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