
Jul 24, 2005 17:23

I'm heading off to BF at the ass-crack of dawn, I want to leave here by 6 and be at K's by 3. That way we'll be headed out of the city by 4 and should be in to Lex before dark. I had a horrible breakdown this morning, I could NOT leave without my dogs. I tried to call K & T over and over again and was starting to really feel despair set in when ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

kitsunessa July 24 2005, 23:08:53 UTC
Brandie is GORGEOUS! What a gorgeous dog... you have such wonderful animals. Having a new puppy is a good thing for you right now. I think that going to Breyerfest will also be good for you... have some social time, ya know?


invader_zins July 25 2005, 01:47:39 UTC
I wouldn't ever wish to have not owned him in order to avoid the pain, do you know what I mean?

I know exactly what you mean. I was a complete basket case the last time I had a cat die on me - but even through the hurt, was glad that I'd had him as long as I did. I know my oldest cats days are numbered, but I won't ever regret rescuing that little runt of a kitten way back when, nor will I regret the money spent on her vet care the last few years.

Sometimes I wish animals had lifespans comparable to humans, so we wouldn't have to go through this when they pass, but then again, I never would've had the chance to have a Squirt a Sascha and an Arabella if the cats I grew up with were still alive. If that makes any sense. I know what I'm trying to say, but thanks to my meds, I'm not sure if it's coming out right.


kitsunessa July 25 2005, 10:00:44 UTC
I getcha. How because of their lifespan we're able to have MANY wonderful pets over our lives.... totally understandable.


invader_zins July 25 2005, 20:35:31 UTC
Exactly. Even though their shorter lifespan causes us pain in the end, we get to share our lives with more animals than we would if they did have longer life spans.


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