I'm heading off to BF at the ass-crack of dawn, I want to leave here by 6 and be at K's by 3. That way we'll be headed out of the city by 4 and should be in to Lex before dark. I had a horrible breakdown this morning, I could NOT leave without my dogs. I tried to call K & T over and over again and was starting to really feel despair set in when
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Comments 4
I know exactly what you mean. I was a complete basket case the last time I had a cat die on me - but even through the hurt, was glad that I'd had him as long as I did. I know my oldest cats days are numbered, but I won't ever regret rescuing that little runt of a kitten way back when, nor will I regret the money spent on her vet care the last few years.
Sometimes I wish animals had lifespans comparable to humans, so we wouldn't have to go through this when they pass, but then again, I never would've had the chance to have a Squirt a Sascha and an Arabella if the cats I grew up with were still alive. If that makes any sense. I know what I'm trying to say, but thanks to my meds, I'm not sure if it's coming out right.
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