One Day, Documented

Oct 27, 2014 10:21

Last Wednesday in 50 photos. Cross-posted in documentaday.

Please ignore the dust on my alarm clock..! I forgot to take a picture when I got up, so this is the time after I've showered.

Today's clothes and jewels.

Starting my day with tea, of course, but which mug to choose from? We've got... a few.

Hello, breakfast! Cinnamon porridge with honey and walnuts. Mmm mm.

If you were wondering - I picked my Scrabble mug. It's my favourite for breakfast, just the right size for a big, wake-you-up Assam with soy milk.

Quick time check. I usually leave for university at 8, so...

...time for a cheeky read! This is The Lies of Locke Lamora by Scott Lynch. Fantasy novels keep me sane when I'm studying.

Pack up some lunch for later. My bento boxes are normally more exciting / inventive than this, but I accidentally ate all the leftovers the night before because I didn't have time to cook in between university and a date. Oops.

Wash up my breakfast things before I go.

Aaaand I'm five minutes late. This is, um. Habitual.

I'm still early enough to get a coveted parking space that doesn't involve climbing through a sea of other people's bikes, though, go me! Locking Harriet, my trusty steed, up for the day.

Dumped and unpacked at my desk.

I'm teaching ickle firsties at 9am; these are my all important supplies: handouts, module guide, and tea.

Teaching over at 11am, I'm wrapping up against the elements to meet my friend D. I haven't seen him in about three months so we've got a lot to catch up on. Here's half my face in the bathroom mirror.

Luckily, the cappuccino D. orders is as big as my face, so it lasts us through all the things we've got to talk about!

Back to my desk to eat lunch fast before my office hours open.

My actual office is a shared one among all the PhD students in the department, so for office hours I use our tiny reference library so I don't disturb anybody. Also, this room is cute.

After no students show up (of course) and I've spent an hour and a half chatting to some third year friends and some lecturers instead, I make my way home via the park and the supermarket.

(There are no pictures of the supermarket.)

Stop in to feed my little brother's pet guinea pigs on the way home since he and his girlfriend are on holiday. These fat boys sing a lot and get very over excited about their greens.

Back at home, and my own little beast is waiting to greet me. This is Jasmine. She's a spoilt princess and I love her like nothing else.

3.20pm? You know what that's time for, right?

More tea, of course! Wanderlust is a green tea with cinnamon and apple. It's delicious.

Also snack time. Because who doesn't love apples?

Talking to my bestie on Skype IM, because she lives in Berlin and we have a vendetta against France for being in the way of our cuddles.

Trying on the new sweater I bought in the supermarket on my way home.

God job it fits, since the sleeve got Jazz Attacked immediately afterwards!

Here's a bit more of my face.

My favourite thing about this purchase was how it was listed on the receipt, thanks to it being from the kids' section (I'm too small for a lot of adult clothes.)

Time to prep dinner!

I'm not really an autumn person, but I love love love the colours at this time of year. Pumpkin's finest, here.

All in one pan, my favourite way to cook.

Et voila! Pumpkin and leeks with quinoa, toasted walnuts, and feta marinated in oregano. Gluten-free so my newly-diagnosed coeliac flatmate can share. There were supposed to be leftovers for tomorrow's lunch. There wasn't.

Dinner done, kitchen cleaned and tidied; must be time to call my Mum. (Yes, my phone backdrop is my baby cat. I know.)

Guess what's in here?

My phone call gets cut short because someone decides I'm not paying enough attention to her, and knocks everything - including two plant pots - off my bedroom windowsill. Spoiler: it was not my flatmate.

Jasmine hides on top of the wardrobe and looks innocent. Apparently it wasn't her, either.

Once all that's cleaned up, I brush my teeth and get my clothes out ready for the next morning. I go horse riding on Thursdays, so that's an appropriately themed scarf.

Ready for bed.

Reading in bed.

And finally, time to sleep. I still haven't dusted my alarm clock.

uni: teaching, photos, books, jasmine, food: culinary awesomeness, life: it happens, authors: scott lynch, photos: aditl, uni: phd

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