LOL you're bad. And if you ask me, way too young to be as naughty as you are :P Therefore, no matter WHAT, if it were me I'd go wash my brain out with soap and buy a t-shirt that says "dirty old woman." Even though I'm in my twenties for the time being... That's still old, dammit! You, girl, need a keeper! *brandishes a bike chain, a stair-guard, and a baby monitor* Now STAY!!! :P
:_: But but I'm 19 and I need a baby monitor!! Heh and I was just as bad when I was 14! muhuaahaaahaha! *Teh Pervert* *finds awkward uses for the baby monitor* HA! take that! *wins* :D
Gah!! *throws baby monitor down a flight of stairs* Ooo! Bits and pieces and pieces and bits flying everywhere. Destroying stuff makes me feel so aliiiive!!!! *cough* OK, i heard that line on "The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy." But it's TRUE!! *whines*
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