wwhy are humans so inconsiderate and insesitivve you wwould think wwe wwould havve done better than that
not evveythin can be perfect i guess i mean look at howw fuckin flawwed they are havvin their nasty blood and evveythin
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Comments 75
)(umans don't count on t)(e )(emospectrum. T)(at's a troll t)(ing.
Furt)(ermore, if you would just spend some time talking to t)(em instead of )(iding all t)(e time you would find some of t)(em very pleasant to be around.
Now, if you )(ave a problem wit)( a particular )(uman t)(at's different. But you're insulting friends of mine wit)( t)(is post and I will NOT stand for that!
humans are terrible and i havve yet to see otherwwise
If I were a )(uman and came across somet)(ing like t)(is I wouldn't be too frond of you eit)(er.
But if you would take your )(ead out of your nook for once and actually talk to t)(em nicely, you'd probably c)(ange your mind.
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