Dorota is my new favourite character. And Chuck comes in a very very close second. But srsly!! Her ringtone is I'm A Slave For You!!
Anyway, she basically made up for the lack of C/B interaction this episode. And also, Aaron/Serena is kinda creepy. I just walk away whenever they're on screen. And also, Bart is also kinda creepy, but it's because he ccaaaaaaarrrreeeessss. He's only misunderstood, people! I actually LIKE the old guy. Too bad he....
It pisses me off. Primarily because I'm not really into the whole Lily/Rufus fandango. I have this thing against the Humphreys. I unno.
Aaaaaand. You know that last entry, where I asked for movie recommendation chubanessnesses? Now I need books. Please. SPAM ME WITH BOOK RECOMMENDATIONS!! Right now I'm reading Water For Elephants which actually does NOT center around elephants, to my surprise. I'm trying to complete my 100 list and so far I only have... 17.