The Elle/Sylar thing lasted one episode. I FEEL NOTHING NOW. And besides,
Papa Bennett >>>>>>>>> Elle/Sylar/entire universe, thankyouverymuch.
He is BACK, dudes. Did you see the way he smacked Sylar and Elle? WHOOSH! Thank you, writers!
NATHAN! Oh I love you! "I am a US Senator. You're a nurse." LOL!
I still don't know how I feel about Daphne/Matt.
Team Angela! She is just one step ahead of everyone. That one scene with her and the Tracy phone call. Speaking of, I love how Tracy turned out in this one. She needs more screen time, Nathan-wise and otherwise. They showed her, what, once? Tracy/Nathan don't get enough love.
The Papa Bennett and Claire show!! She's such a spoiled brat, though. But I love when they resolve things. It makes me feel... shhh!!.. happy. AND NOW HE'S GONNA KICK SOME ASSSSSUS. Thank you, writers.
And lastly, Mohinder is gross.
That's all.
Does anyone still watch this show anymore?