Whhhyyyyy Nathan whyyyy? I don't wanna hate you!
Ando/Hiro - so cute. I'm glad Ando was able to use his powers to save Hiro, who, by the bye, talks to pigeons. Although I still think his power is semi-pointless considering it doesn't really let him do anything.
Peter - has powers again! He can fly, so does that mean that he got his old abilities back or just the flying? Oh, why am I even asking, like any of you guys still watch this show. Which I don't blame you for, not really.
Meredith - Aw, I didn't like her -- fact I hated her -- but I didn't want her to die. Hmm. Well, you were a good mommy, Meredith. I'm sure Nathan, if he were in a more logical state of mind, would miss you.
Papa Bennett/HRG - there was barely any of you. Sigh. I would've liked to see some bad-assery against Sylar, but I guess Claire "killing him off" was more suitable.
Angela - O ILU! She is sooooo manipulative, I love that she can work all the characters, including Sylar, without a bit of powers. And she rocks the turtleneck. Bonus points!
Sylar - I was really enjoying the return of evil!Sylar. But, really, was the "except from a broken heart" necessary? I did like his killing off Doyle though, and his injecting Meredith with adrenaline, only because it reminded me of the good ol' days (season 1).
Tracy - "Sorry, I've got plans for this piece of paper, Pikachu." LOL! I was hesitant at first, but now I'm so glad the writers killed Nikki off and brought Tracy in. And I loved that she killed Knox, considering she didn't really get a lot of action/power-killage in the last few episodes. But it sucks that I probably won't be seeing a lot of Nathan/Tracy anymore, I really liked them, evil-plotting or no evil-plotting.
Nathan - WHAT HAVE THEY DONE TO YOU?!?! It was so random and so out of character, I'm just.. asjkdhfakdjsfhsdf!!! He fires Tracy (she was concerned!!!! whyyyyyy?!?!?!) and tries to kill Peter (which I normally would approve of) and then decides it would be fun to lock them all up? His daughter and his brother? HUH?? I just don't buy it =(
New episodes in February 2nd. It's like a birthday present. Sort of.
I feel kind of sorry for Bryan Fuller. It's like the writers have been making this giant mess, and upon Fuller's return, they're shoving the garbage on his face and saying, "Here. Fix it." Mr. Fuller, plllleeeeeeeeeeeeaassseee fix this mess.