Title: The Changes When the Wind Blows Pairing(s): KyuMin (kids) Genre: Fluff, Friendship, slight!romance Rating: PG Summary: Mothers always tell you when you're little that the boy who bullies really just likes you. Sungmin has a bully, is this true for him too?
bahahahahahahhaha I'm glad that it's so cute but no dying please. I'd like you to keep updating your own fics miss ^^ To which I shall go back to reading again after I run to the bank.
But really, aren't Kiddy SuJu adorable?! Haha I think I might like Kiddy SuJu too much >< next is EunHae, since I already did KyuMin and YeWook.
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW KYUUUUUTE but.. i think Kyu was TOO SNARKY for a kid :^D kids dont know bad phrases like these.... i hope >___< he has to make it up now >_
hahaha sadly i know some kids who are this snarky >< nowadays. They weren't that snarky when I was that little but >< its scary how much faster kids are growing up these days. Haha yeah Kyu was a BRAT bahaha he has a lot of making up to do.
hahaha no no he'll have some major sucking up to do buttttt bahaha if he's smart he'll hold Sungmin's hand a lot and then Minnie will slowly forget just how much sucking up Kyu needs to do.
Hahahaha I thought about explaining it but then it would make me add on soooooooo much more haha so I decided to let you wonder. haha No really, Hyukkie just wanted to tell Kyuhyun to leave Sungmin alone since they got interrupted the day before and Kyuhyun was just listening which annoyed Hyukkie since Kyu wouldn't speak >< but then they were interrupted so Kyuhyun really didn't get a chance to say anything.
OMG I LOVE YOUR ICON IT'S ADORABLE.. >< sigh I really have a bad tongue fetish hahaha anywaysssss YAY, YAY, and more YAY for you liking it. It makes me quite happy to know someone enjoyed it ^^
Comments 73
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But really, aren't Kiddy SuJu adorable?! Haha I think I might like Kiddy SuJu too much >< next is EunHae, since I already did KyuMin and YeWook.
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but.. i think Kyu was TOO SNARKY for a kid :^D
kids dont know bad phrases like these.... i hope >___<
he has to make it up now >_
so in love in your writing! so in love in your Sungmin, once again! <333
you are amazing writer! (ノ^_^)ノ
that's pity that Ming interrupted them and don't let Kyuhyun to say something :3
squealing coz of the cuteness
this is so detail and long and im enjoying this so much <3<3
ending is LOVE
I love it
Minnie is so cute
I love it
you have to write suju Kid again
or I hunt you down * LOL*
I love Kid Kyumin
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