I love it when I can look at you guys conducting. It gets lonely out on the podium all alone and you make me laugh! heehe You always do a great job at flags...don't let those others ruin it for you.
:-) *yay* I like conducting with you!! its fun!! And I also like making fun of Eric lol. *conducts and looks at floor* *loses controll of body* haha I look just like him!! *giggles*
thanks lindsey for trying to make me feel better, I was just really upset about a guy, of course which i shouldnt of been but im very thankful for having you there comforting me. Dont feel bad about the whole yelling incident at the football game. I would of been upset myself and it would of made me yell too if that happened to me. We honestly dont give you enuf respect as you deserve, and im sorry for this. but i will always love you no matter what! love always -NeSsA
:-) *hugs* thanks Vanessa!! I love the way you wrote your name btw. We need more converstations where wE tAlK lIkE tHiS. Haha anyways it means alot that you support me.
NeTiMe LiNdSeY yOu KnOw I lOvE yOu!HAPPY THANKSGIVING! i hope you had a good day! what are you doing 2morrow? we should most definently do sumthing! hehe i dunno all of htis is coming out of boredom but yes we should do sumthing becuz it is a 4 day weekend and what more to do then spend it with a friend. hehe I lOvE yA lInDsEy! ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~NeSsA~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
HaHa I hAvE tO gO sHoPpInG wItH mY mOm. BuT wHeN I aM dOnE i CaN cAlL yOu. BuT yEaH wE sHoUlD dO sOmEtHiNg. BtW mY tHaNkSgIvInG wAs gOoD hOw WaS yOuRs?
Comments 10
But I'll be sure to call you, hehe.
love you much.
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