Title:Bang Bang (He Shot Me Down) Rating:PG-13 Pairing/Focus:jinki/kibum Summary: Jinki is a justice-driven detective. Kibum is a thief with too many secrets. Can he bury them for the sake of their relationship? Or will it tear them apart?
Title:Bang Bang (He Shot Me Down) Rating:PG-13 Pairing/Focus:jinki/kibum Summary: Jinki is a justice-driven detective. Kibum is a thief with too many secrets. Can he bury them for the sake of their relationship? Or will it tear them apart?
Title:Bang Bang (He Shot Me Down) Rating:PG-13 Pairing/Focus:jinki/kibum Summary: Jinki is a justice-driven detective. Kibum is a thief with too many secrets. Can he bury them for the sake of their relationship? Or will it tear them apart?
Title:Bang Bang (He Shot Me Down) Rating:PG-13 Pairing/Focus:jinki/kibum Summary: Jinki is a justice-driven detective. Kibum is a thief with too many secrets. Can he bury them for the sake of their relationship? Or will it tear them apart?
Title:Bang Bang (He Shot Me Down) Rating:PG-13 Pairing/Focus:jinki/kibum Summary: Jinki is a justice-driven detective. Kibum is a thief with too many secrets. Can he bury them for the sake of their relationship? Or will it tear them apart?
Rating:PG-13 Pairing/Focus:jinki/kibum Summary: Jinki is a justice-driven detective. Kibum is a thief with too many secrets. Can he bury them for the sake of their relationship? Or will it tear them apart?