I got a lift home last night from work mate , he has an old skool mini and has to slow down on humps more than normal dude to low exhuasts
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I can pay £20, prob leaving around 11 or so , Might seem alot to ask but on yule day there will no traffic and it should only take 30 to 40 min, clear roads you see/ Cheesr I can only check anwers tonight when I get in from work,
well I just had to put down my dog of 14 yrs (FENRIS) he was 19 and a lab alsation mix, so he wins, but all dog wolfs and foxes included. bigger the better
Seamus is the moonchild in infinite dreams playing with madness trying to stop the evil that men do and the seventh son is near the prophecy say so and the clairvoyont knows only the good dire young