Hell yeah, I like to steal [underwear] off the clothesline and parade around the house in it. It would probably be even more exciting if I could get the nerve to steal someone else's.
Stay here for a week and you'll be pulling the wings off flies.
Please note that the use of all adjectives are the opinons of the author
and do not necessarily reflect actual excitement or in fact for that
matter any sort of genuine or implied connection with reality at all
That's just cheesy. I might expect that of Eldar, but not Macedonians.
Pommy pooftas. As distinguished from Kiwi pooftas, German pooftas, French pooftas, Brazilian pooftas, Chink pooftas, etc.
Where's the Story Monster gone anyway? Does he send postcards?
I've got that Necromunda book in really execellent condition, only read twice, by my Grandmother on Sundays, and she was dead.
I thought it was the FUCKING Steam tank? Or has the official spelling
changed and I have to change my AB files again?
I was thinking a spiffy pair of sequined Doc Martens. Practical and elegant.
Because you've been sniffing the washing powder again in the mistaken belief you found your mother's coke stash.
It could be real classy and piss champagne.
I'm sorry, but your posts are violating guideline 5 of our IP policy (damaging the image of RGMW) by not posting homo-erotica or flaming somebody. If you don't stop immediately I'm afraid we will be forced to pretend that we have the power to make you.
I've decided for my own safety not to attempt to make jokes about screwing around any more, after Big Al decided to send that one to the missus via ICQ while he was talking to her.
I went to the Mountains of Nepal, where I was steeped in the ways of the Ninja Death-Commando Warriors by a learned and wizened figment of my imagination
Since I'm in the outtakes, does that mean I'm not a newbie anymore?
Fiery is one thing. Taking pleasure out of scrotum-smashing is another.
After reading that guestbook, I'm going to take a shower. For, like, three hours. I feel unclean.
To whom it may concern - clinical studies have shown that 89.3% of those surveyed suggested that you might wish to try inserting a saguaro cactus into one or more of your bodily orifices.
Dear sir, please be advised that our board of directors has suggested that you use a cheese grater for your next masturbatory exercises.
w0W j0o R l33T3r tH4n 3r1K s3Tz3R!!!!!!!!
Thanks to you, I now can't get excited when I see women in skin-tight, black clothing. You'll be hearing from my lawyer...
They're not having -sex- with the Hamsters, they just use them as Furry Condoms.
Because if its one thing I know about Americans, its that some of them have strange views on other countries (at least the ones they've heard of).
YOU can't! YOUR ISP was killed by the POPE'S Swiss GUARDS in VIETNAM!
Thanks for your time...now I will return you to the latest adventures of 'Setzer is an asshole and buttslams Iranian Goats.'
Oh, so I'm being compared to apartheid now, am I? I'm moving up in the world.
Why are people from other countries so foreign?
Naffunki's sore because everyone insulted his TV.
Since we are in the majority, and I am a firm believer in democracy, I believe we have the right to order you to shut the fuck up.
Likewise, O Pork Rind of Sexual Pleasure.
(Disclaimer: The above list should not be used to infer that I watch Australian soaps. On the contrary, I watch Australian soap stars' arses).
No, I think that his mother spent so much time during pregnancy bent over for sailors that he became doubled-up in the womb and as a result his head grew up his arse prior to birth.
Sorry? You make a shit hole by DESTROYING Wales as we know it?
Dingos aren't very snuggly, and their fur is too wiry. Wombats are much
better company on a lonely night...
GorkaMorka is selling like lo-salt pickled broccoli.
Actually, political correctness is something all us minorities thought up to fuck with white people's minds. And until Whitey starts sitting in the back of the bus and learns to say, "Yessum, sir. I'm sorry" on command, PC hasn't gone far enough.
{I started this thread, so it's bloody well going to include some dancing girls -got it!}
Bugger me, teaching egotism and arrogance to a Frenchman. The world really is going to end...
P. S. The above is derived from an original work by God. All comments and queries can be directed to him at Jehovah@Mt.Sinai.com
Brixton will feel the wrath of my water pistol.
And once again Alister successfully fends off all the competition to walk off with the prize for Innuendo-Spotting (Easy Level)..
-[deleted], whose thoughts and ideas are solely his own and do not, in any way, reflect those of Jefferson Lab or its staff. Unless of course there is any money to made off those ideas, in which case the lab says: "Gimme, gimme, gimme!"
Oh, so you don't post flames? Where can I get rose tinted glasses like yours?
[deleted] will fit in well here. He has a brain, doesn't post stupid opinions, make inflammatory remarks he can't back up, brag of proof he can't back up, isn't universally hated by the entire NG, and probably wouldn't need surgical assistance to have his head removed from his arse.
This bloody well better not end up in the outtakes unless you include the words BIG PENIS.
Cf Setzer/Tubman flamewars of '99, the 32nd occasion Mr Setzer Jr posted for the last time.
And here I was imagining people with an Octopus Complex.
So you use the Dark side to enhance your ability to run like a sissy girl? Intriguing.
"Rob a dub, dub, Three men in a Rob, and what would those three men be. The
faggot, the Setzer, the web-address-faker, ugly bastards all three."
I will post in HTML if I want to. It is in my newsgroup reader, so that means that Usenet must not have any rules against it, otherwise the option wouldn't be there.
Orange dreadlocked beards and uncomfortable body modification is pretty much the going rate in the gamer scene.
You can see clearly now your brain has gone?
Any random mention of giant lizards, games featuring well endowed women, etc. are the property of their respective companies, cartels, etc.
...The Daemon formerly known as Prince?
I wish I was a test tube baby. There would have been much more to see during that first nine months.
If I didn't think you worshipped the very ground I walked on, I'd say you were taking the piss.
Exactly _HOW_ do testicles help someone to commit an act of murder?
This FAQ was not stolen from the Realm of Inisfail.
I just hope they call at a decent hour this time - and A.M. is not decent.
I've got positive proof that you're a Ugandan transvestite, but I'm not posting it either.
If you would like to order Alister's self enjoyment manual, Coming to Grips With Myself, or I Choked the Chicken, But I Did Not Choke the Deputy, call 01-02-555-GROPE-ME.
Ignoring the fluff is like sleeping with your cousin!
The regulars here possess some marvelous, godlike qualities, that allows them to belittle and
insult other members of the internet community, without fear of retaliation.
I thought you preferred the more politically correct terms like faggot.
Fear us, for you never know when we will become bored enough to come after you.
Of course, you can always just blame all this on rgmw being a bunch of whiny beards, who aren't serious gamers anyway. It's always worked for everyone else when they disagree with us.
I'm happy to leave wars out of it, but you had to mention Vietnam...
This NG isn't just a group of waistrels and worthless nothings. At the very least, the same level of waistrels and worthless nothings that haunt the mailing list.
This guy has personally attacked one of us and that right is reserved for the members of the NG only.
One was a stupid, smug, tall idiot(sort of like Big Al, but smartly dressed, and non-deviant), and a small idiotic, incredibly thick person who follows him around(like Little Al).
It's not medicine, it's magic pixie dust. From Colombia.
You're just jealous, Mr "I Wish I Lived In A Real Country"
It's Cambodian. It was specially translated by a team of Latvian chimpanzees into Swahili, and then read out by parrots with Down's syndrome. By a happy coincidence, it sounded like Australian acting.
What else do you need in life? I think the outtakes hold the secret to everything.
I personally found that to have female player, you have to find a group of them and first induce them alone.
Taking drugs and reading Stephen Hawking is good. Not taking drugs and reading Stephen Hawking is bad.
You actually replied with an informative post. Are you feeling ok?