Title: Velveteen Presents Jacqueline Claus vs. The Lost and the Found.
Summary: And now for something completely different! Santa’s daughter must find her place in the world...whether she wants to or not.
Jacqueline Claus, adopted daughter of Santa Claus, one day to inherit his place as toymaker and guardian of the dreams of children... )
Comments 10
This was absolutely logical, made complete story sense, and broke my heart when I read it in my copy of Velveteen vs. The Seasons, and it did it again today. I love Velveteen. I love what you wrote here. I know Jackie's fate makes perfect story-sense in that fairy-tales, terrible consequences way, and I love that you didn't let us hate Jack for not being Jackie. (I hurt for her, I really do, even while I miss Jackie almost as much as Jack and Vel do.)
Part of me can't help but hope that there's a happier resolution for Jackie and for Jack, somehow, somewhen. Or at least less pain.
Brilliant writing. I hope we see Vel and the gang again soon. Thank you for this gift.
It'll be interesting to see how else things change in this hiccup of reality...
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