Title: Redeeming Eden Length: Chaptered Rating: PG and growing Pairings: YooSu, JaeHo, MinOther Summary: Love, Hatred, Gratitude, Revenge. Is love worth all the pain they have to go through?
YaY! for updates!thoses two little blurbs there, is that Junsu and Yoochun thinking about each other or junsu and yunho? or do i just have it completely wrong? XD yunho seems to have taken an interest in jae! wah!
I find it strange the way Yunho react to Jae. Why is he so protective of him when he do not know him well. But I like it...as it shows the starting of their developments (which is about time). Can't wait to read the next chapter. Pls continue and update soon!
Perhaps he knew that Jaejoong was the one who took care of him when he was drunk? Cause I believed that Yunho definately has his bodyguards near him at all time even though they might not appear to us in those drunken scenes...perhaps he did check out with his bodyguard and after some investigation, he found out that the man who took care of him was Jaejoong??? And that aroused his interest in Jae and now, he's just returning the favour?
Some times when a person is drunk, they will just remember bits and pieces of what happened. And that is just what's in Yunho's memory. Plus... Chapter Eight: When Junsu was first in hospital that time after being beaten up by the young thugs(with Yoochun being stabbed), Yunho would have spoken to Jae, who was the doctor in charge. Chapter Thirteen: Remember that scene when Jae sits with Yunho in his car till morning? Yunho woke up and thanked Jae for sending him back. See, they were acquainted already!
So it was part interest and part in gratitude. The feeling's there...
ah its been awhile since we've heard from you but I'm glad that you've updated!! ^__^ it looks like JaeJoong and Yunho had their first real hintings of something in between them and then at the opposite end we have Junsu feeling absolutely terrible about both Yoochun and Yunho..
Yoosu accidently meeting at the resort! Now's the chance to mend the fences, so to speak! And Yunho couldn't stand seeing Jae being manhandled by the senator eh!? Did he carry Jae bridal style or over his shoulders? Yippee!!
Gotta get the 2 of them to be less stubborn before anything can be mended. The sight of the lustful senator being shamelessly touchy just irritated him. And Yunho piggybacked Jae, that was the closest I could get them to be under 'non-smut' circumstances. Cheers!
Comments 62
And well, Jae is an intiguing character here..
Perhaps he knew that Jaejoong was the one who took care of him when he was drunk? Cause I believed that Yunho definately has his bodyguards near him at all time even though they might not appear to us in those drunken scenes...perhaps he did check out with his bodyguard and after some investigation, he found out that the man who took care of him was Jaejoong??? And that aroused his interest in Jae and now, he's just returning the favour?
Haha..I think I think too much...
Chapter Eight: When Junsu was first in hospital that time after being beaten up by the young thugs(with Yoochun being stabbed), Yunho would have spoken to Jae, who was the doctor in charge.
Chapter Thirteen: Remember that scene when Jae sits with Yunho in his car till morning? Yunho woke up and thanked Jae for sending him back.
See, they were acquainted already!
So it was part interest and part in gratitude.
The feeling's there...
Susu met Yoochun in japan?
Can't wait til next update!
And I put them together in Japan, in the snow and the stars... *love..*
Hugz for you too!
Keep up the great work!!!!
I try to update weekly, but well.. just off by a few days sometimes..
And Yunho couldn't stand seeing Jae being manhandled by the senator eh!?
Did he carry Jae bridal style or over his shoulders? Yippee!!
The sight of the lustful senator being shamelessly touchy just irritated him. And Yunho piggybacked Jae, that was the closest I could get them to be under 'non-smut' circumstances.
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