Title: Redeeming Eden Length: Chaptered Rating: PG and growing Pairings: YooSu, JaeHo, MinOther Summary: Love, Hatred, Gratitude, Revenge. Is love worth all the pain they have to go through?
oh my god!~i really love this update..i think you could guess why..keke~
although..not much progress on the yoosu side..but i hope something would happen..anything..just to break the intense situation that they're in now..*sigh*
Su is a slowly losing hold on himself to want to just love Yunho. But, Yoochun is turning against himself and that is more cause for worrying. They should both listen to their hearts..
I wonder what made Yunho react so violently to Jaejoong being touched by another man. jealousy? arh~jaeho's finally developing! :DD kim jongkook is so weird, he's like shoving jaejoong to that pervy man just to build good relations with those almighty directors. I dont like him already D:
sigh. junsu and yoochun can only think about the other in secret, longing to be with the other.
Nope, more like the want to play 'knight in shining armour'.. (don't kill me for saying that!) Jae's just a person who has caught his attention and is drawing his interest slowly, bit by bit, where both of them are not even aware of it. KJK is a person hungry for wealth and power in this fic. He's scheming, selfish, manipulative and arrogant. There's nothing likeable about him except that if not for him, Jae would not be the Assistant Director.
Comments 62
Hey dirty old man *Pull gun*, TAKE THIS &*Bam* . Okay! Everything is good~
*tries to push him towards Jae*
Yeah, agree.. Stupid dirty old man!
although..not much progress on the yoosu side..but i hope something would happen..anything..just to break the intense situation that they're in now..*sigh*
thanks for updating~^_^
Something will happen with the YooSu.. and things will move from there. Promise.
loved it
I wonder what made Yunho react so violently to Jaejoong being touched by another man. jealousy? arh~jaeho's finally developing! :DD
kim jongkook is so weird, he's like shoving jaejoong to that pervy man just to build good relations with those almighty directors. I dont like him already D:
sigh. junsu and yoochun can only think about the other in secret, longing to be with the other.
^___^ thanks for the lovely updates♥
KJK is a person hungry for wealth and power in this fic. He's scheming, selfish, manipulative and arrogant. There's nothing likeable about him except that if not for him, Jae would not be the Assistant Director.
love the plot love the characters.
Cant wait for your next update!
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