Fun Fun Fun...and a lot of Randomnes

Oct 04, 2004 23:26

ok so i've just managed to get round to updating today coz uni is crap and sudaly decded to stage turoreals and not botehr to tell anyone bout them but ohh well.

Any way Saturday/Sunday is the best night out i've ever had. it was the usual combo of the Jack and Le bat and Jagermister which is always fab.
started off in the Jack which was so crowded and hot it was unbeliveable, also the fact that they had the worst music on didnt help.
we then proceded to Le bat whaere Becca decided she was gona pay me in and ran to the front of the que before i could pay her in time i'll just have to be quicker on the uptake :op
Cant realy remember wht happened next but i can remeber dancing and no stoping all the time we wer there. (which agane is usual)
err i do remeber burnig haylez with a cigaret (even though she walked into me! still sorry though)
*flash back* in the jack Eve some how stuck a stella lable (i think it was a stella one anyway) on to her belly and made her self some falopean tubes as well as a pair of ovarys outa some other stickers. i think Saul then nicked one of the said ovarys...when she protested Saul just came back with "its ok you can adopt" which i thaught was just golden...although later she was ment to be pregnant with his child and they are aparantly going to call it River (cool name) although how the logistics of this arangement is going to work is lost on me :os lol (thers somthing wrong with that sentence...becides the spelling..ohh sod it i dont care)
so where was i?..ohh yes Le Bat, well as i said before there was lots of drinking and even more dancing (they played one of my anthems Pulp: Common People...but i supose this is not much of an event as they alwase do)
I remember trying to get Natasha to dance with me but she was having non of it...ohh well i supose i'd be relutant to dance with me if i'd seen me dance as well (that honistly does make it agane and you'll get it)
err i cant recal if anything elce hapened after that (comments are welcome people)
So cut to 3am and us leving (or trying to) Le bat. So me, Saul, and some one elce (sorry i cant remeber who...maby Sam? or Eve?...or it coulda been Becca or Natasha or it coulda been all of them?) any way wer commin down the stares and all i hear is the bump and then laughing behind me. so i turn round and Sauls sittin there whith legs akimbo and this confused look on his face at the botom of the stares bless him. after the intal worry and rapid bout of 'are you ok' -ing and 'are you hurt' type questions i just couldent stop lauging...infact i think i actualy may have tried to help him up but faled misarably due to the side spliting laughter (thankfuly he was ok and relativly un-scathed considering how hard he fell)
Only later did i find out that Haylez had done the exact same thing earlier that night! lol :op
Cut to the Taxi que by the chinies arch type thingy.
lots of random things happend in that que...Becca went on bout how she'd love to scale the arch and shout for taxies form the top (odd but this is becca wer talkin sorry you know i love you realy hun) it was freezing and poor Sam was nearly a verry prity ice pop in a red dress. i think thart was the point where i sugested hudalig together to keep warm coz it seemed to work for penguins :os (hey it sorta worked!..i think?)
and lots of verry random conversations sprang up (comments on topics we talked bout or waht was said would be very welcome lol)
Picture the seen Ok so im in a Taxi with Becca, Haylez, Natasha, and Saul going to Eve's house.

Becca: *after shoutin bout how good it'd be for us all to go to Carpit World at 4 in the mornin to look at...well carpit realy and other asorted Becca randomnes* you cant gues the number of the taxi!

Haylez: err 142 (or somthin like that)

Becca: Ohh my god.....youve won!!

Haylez: Won waht? (looks confused)

Becca: err...the've won he Taxie!!!

*cue the laughter*

so upon ariving at Eve's and susequently waking up half the naihbours (probaly...also my god this is turnig in to the longest entry ever!...i should serealise it and sell it to the tabliods..i'd make a mint lol)
So wer back at Eve's drinkin the last of the wine she was having before she went out. Then Sam and Eve did something I’ll love them forever for..they made Toast!!!
Que about 5646 attempts to get a picture of us all on the sofa (see Haylez’s or Saul’s lj entries)
So we decide to go to bed at like half six in the morning but before we go to sleep we (well Eve) decide to have a quick game of Le Cross…whit a bangle for a ball…in her room!
So it’s like half seven in the morning and me Becca and Natasha are sleeping on the floor (it was originally me and Becca on the floor…with eve sleeping in the corner which she was quite adamant about doing…but Natasha decided to join us on the deck after haylez kicked her in the head on the bed (ohh that rhymed..I could be a wrapper! Remember that Becca? lol) ) so I turn over and go to put my arm around Becca…only to realize that the person I was about to put my arm around wasn’t Becca but was infact Natasha!...which could’ a been so terrible for her…imagine being woken up by some randomer putting there arm round you while you sleep!.. not nice :op
Cut to bout half ten or something
Ok so I was woken up to the wonderful (well when your starving all food smells good) smell of Baked beans and …yes more toast! <3
Haylez had apparently gone out in her pj’s earlier to get some from the shop.
So I go down stares and see haylez string this huge pot full of baked beans (see picture below)

(sorry the pictures a bit crap but it's off my phone and the settins wernt right but i just had to post this :op )

Cut to later on
* every ones sitting in Eve’s living room freezing coz we cant figure out how to turn the heat on.*
Eve: you know what would be grater right now?

Me: no… what?

Eve: A bacon and egg McMuffin

Me: yea! know what would be even better!....*a sudden confused look croses my face as I’ve forgotten the end of my sentence*

Eve: ?...what would be even better?

Me: err I duno..I cant remember *still looking confused and slightly lost*

*cue fits of laughter from eve for like ten minutes*

Well some more stuff happened namely eve going to the shop to get chocolate in my shoes and the getting home fiasco for me Becca and Saul but that’s another story and this post is far too long as it is already!
I might update with it some other time.
Just one last word to say THANK YOU SO MUCH EVE! For letting a complete stranger come back to your house :oD for that matter THANK YOU EVRYONE for a grate two days :op
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