[Review] Random Drama CDs

Jun 15, 2012 02:59

So I still can't sleep!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just give some review about the Drama CDs i heard recently~

~ 年上彼氏やんわりS兄偏ーCV:立花慎之介

So, here Shin (Takahisa) is your teacher~!
You know him from your junior high where he came as you private tutor~
but then you go into the high school he teach cause you love him~ yea me tooo♥♥♥

You confess to him on your third year valentine and he just saying that you two still teacher & student so he can't answer now, but also can't promise that he will accept it when you graduate~

There's also Yukihisa (Takahisa brother and you kouhai) that love you so much *both voiced by Shin ♥*

All I can say, Takahisa is a DoS from the begining~ and turns Yandere at the end ♥♥♥

~ね語男子 其の二 CV 立花慎之介

Yea~ Shin become cat!! ♥
Track1 he become a tsundere street cat xD
Track2 he become cutie home cat ♥
Track3 he become and old cat that leaving his last message for his owner >.<
Track4 he become a SEIYUU that turns into a cat xD

~月刊男前図鑑 従者編 白偏 CV: 桜井孝宏、入野自由

Haven't hear Sakurai one~ but Miyu's one was soooo >.<
Anyway Miyu became our knight♥
And to be honest, this is the first time I cried hearing DramaCD..
Love when Miyu call me Princess ♥ Yes he is my knight n also my prince ♥


シューベルト:杉田智和 / リスト:鳥海浩輔 / シューマン:杉山紀彰 / チャイコフスキー:置鮎龍太郎 / ラヴェル:+[◎[]◎]o∪ / 店長:藤原啓治 / 藤本:三浦祥朗

Accidentally found this when I search for Shin's CDs xD
So, this about the fans of Meister Singers gathering at a cafe, and have some chit-chat~*more to have fight about the their idol in the band xD and also stalking the idols TWITTER xD*
and then found out from twitter that their idols band, Meister Singers, are going to disband and will have last concert!!

~クラxラバ マイスターシンガーズ ラストシングル - 組曲Crescendo of Love

バッハ:森川智之 / ベートーベン:福山潤 / モーツァルト:立花慎之介 / ショパン:日野聡

And this is the album of the last concert~ tte iu ka its only have 5tracks with 2songs~
The last concert song's Crescendo of Love have two version, studio one and live/concert one xD
Although they are band, the song only have each solo part >.<
So they don't sang together~ zannen..
And to be honest, I laugh out so much when I hear Bethoveen part!! xDThe lyric was soo...."galau" donno how to say in English >.<
anyway, the songs only say that he want to be loved!!! lolx xD

ahhh writing this and now I feel I can sleep~ so Oyasumi~

seiyuu, review, drama cd

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