Thanks to everyone who figured out the anagram thing. I'm actually ahead on this assignment! I didn't realize that some of the spellings of the words I picked were ambiguous, but I guess that is what I get for working on this at 11pm. lol
1. mouse (suome)
2. candy (cynad)
3. apple (lappe)
4. chair (craih)
5. cable (balce)
6. juice (jiceu)
7. lunch (clunh)
8. knife (kifne)
9. horse (sorhe)
10. shirt (sthir)
11. mouth (tmuoh)
12. night (ngith)
13. green (eregn)
14. yield (ydeli)
15. blood (olobd)
16. floor (forol)
17. slice (ilsce)
18. salsa (saasl)
19. brake (krabe)
20. grass (gsasr)