Ignore this if you aren't Alej or Ankari

Apr 27, 2009 21:34

Part One: Demographic Information

Read the following sentence to the person you are interviewing before you begin this part: The following information is important to obtain if possible. These factors may or may not affect the responses I collect. Asking for this information is the only way I can assess what role (if any) demographics play in the American dream today.

Date of interview: ____________
Name of person you are interviewing: _________________
Age (or range) and gender: ____ _____
Race (unless you feel awkward asking): ________________
Occupation: ______________
Years of Education/Degree: _______________
Annual Income Range (unless you feel awkward for asking)

Check one:
__0 - 10K
__10K - 20K
__25K - 35K
__40K - 60K
__70K - 100K
__ Over 100K

Number of years spent living in the United States and where you have lived: _____

Part Two: Short Answer Questions

Read the following to the person you are interviewing before you begin asking the question in this section: For each of the following factors I provide, please respond with how much you believe this particular factor affects one’s ability to achieve the American dream today. In responding to this, add your thoughts on why you feel this way.

1. Race
- is it a factor?
- why?
2. Gender
- is it a factor?
- why?
3. Education
- is it a factor?
- why?
4. Religion
- is it a factor?
- why?
5. Income
- is it a factor?
- why?
6. Occupation
- is it a factor?
- why?

Read this to the person you are interviewing before you ask the rest of your questions below: For the rest of my questions, I will read a quality and define it for you. I will then ask you how much you believe this specific quality is important in America. Please elaborate as to why you feel this way.

8. Respect: to demonstrate appreciation and consideration for self and others (e.g. follow rules, obey authority, care for property and the environment)
In your opinion, how much do we need this quality today?
Why do you feel this way?

9. Kindness: To demonstrate sympathy, understanding, compassion and consideration for others (e.g. be friendly, helpful, cooperative, and caring)
In your opinion, how much do we need this quality today?
Why do you feel this way?

10. Integrity: To demonstrate honesty, truthfulness, and moral courage (e.g. use self control and discipline, resist peer pressure and be self reliant)
In your opinion, how much do we need this quality today?
Why do you feel this way?

11. Responsibility: To demonstrate personal and social accountability (e.g. be trustworthy, dependable, patriotic and use good judgment)
In your opinion, how much do we need this quality today?
Why do you feel this way?

12. Perseverance: To adhere to a course of action and demonstrate persistence in striving for a goal (e.g. be tenacious and possess a solid work ethic)
In your opinion, how much do we need this quality today?
Why do you feel this way?

13. Do you have any comments regarding what it takes to achieve the American dream today?

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