Episode RecapThe first episode begins with Buffy unable to sleep until she gets her slaying fix for the evening. From the beginning we know that she is going through something internally. Closer to her nature as the slayer, the act of slaying becomes more and more consuming. Reconciled to her fate as the slayer, Buffy is beginning to embrace it.
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Comments 10
But you make an excellent point in that Buffy's "hunting" indicates the danger of her becoming unbalanced. Though she is now powerful enough to face such an opponent (she would have been a total goner two seasons ago) she is also not sure where this path may lead her. So she returns to Giles for guidance - much to his pleasure in being useful again. It also speaks volumes about the importance of Buffy as a person in that the lives of the men in her life hinge on her will. In this case Gile's life has new meaning again, whil Riley is seemingly more irrelevant.
In s7, the gang spends a lot of time using the word "potential". Have you seen that season and are you aware of the connection? Buffy did/does have that "potential," but how she uses it to support or subvert the Slayer tradition is a matter of much debate.
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